[color=ffb200][center][h2]Kanako Seiki[/h2][/center][/color] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: 1B Dorms,[/sub][hr] Kanako jumped slightly as she realized she was still using her quirk. Most of her thoughts had been thankfully hidden subconsciously during the paranoia spikes, an old habit that helped her appear sane in stressful situations when she was using her quirk. She'd nearly forgotten about the mind link until she heard snippets of Hebi's thoughts and saw a flash of something that she thought said 'Mute chick,' honestly not the worst name she'd been called, not even close. She didn't really care what people called her. She severed the link a second later and wondered how much of her paranoia spike Hebi had actually heard. Hebi was surprisingly good at hiding her own thoughts, much in the same way Kanako hid her's, hence why she hadn't noticed her presence in her mind. Kanako's eyes faded back to their normal lime green when she severed the link. [i]I'll come, but I'm not paying for shit.[/i] Kanako read the text from Hebi and bit her lip, wondering whether sass would be a good idea right now. She thought of something almost immediately. [color=ffb200][i]No, you'll be paying for fancy French cuisine,[/i][/color] she thought, really glad that she'd noticed and severed the mind link before thinking that. But as funny as it would be it probably wasn't a great idea. She sighed and texted back, [i]Fine, I'll pay.[/i] She didn't feel like stirring up conflict. Well, she felt like it, and it'd certainly be fun, but she could tell that it wasn't the time. Besides, she didn't mind paying for Hebi's meal. She tipped her head to the side for a minute and closed her eyes. No conversations to listen in to, not in earshot anyways, no new texts to read, no thoughts to listen to, just silence. Just as soon as she had nothing to focus on the thoughts of paranoia began to seep back into her mind. She furrowed her brow as her hand balled into a tight fist subconsciously. She felt like she was slipping again, every muscle in her body tensed. [color=ffb200][i]Okay then, relaxing before we sneak out is out of the window,[/i][/color] she thought, getting up from the couch and starting to pace around the room again. Her hand tensed and relaxed repeatedly and her eyes darted around as though she expected something or someone to jump out of the shadows at any second. Her mind was going in circles again, warping and doubling back on itself, and this time just pacing wasn't enough to dampen the paranoia. She knew fresh air would help, so she walked quickly out of the hawks common room, passing by a few of the other students in the hallway. Her eyes had a wild, distant look to them, like she was ready to snap and attack at any moment, or ready to bolt on a dime. Every time she thought she got rid of the paranoia it returned tenfold, if it happened a few times quickly you get a paranoia spike, a panic attack, or a fight. She quietly made her way to the rooftop. A cool wind blew past her. She took a breath of the brisk air and calmed herself down, quieting down the paranoid voice in the back of her mind by listening to the ambient sounds around her. It was a nice moment, she didn't do this nearly as much as she probably should. She pulled out her hawkpad and texted Yusuke, [i]You ready to go?[/i] She needed something to be focused on. Keep busy, stay sane. Her unofficial motto. [@rexgn] [@Urizen]