[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/s4W7nEC.png[/img][/center] [color=2B8DF8]"Hey, hey, it's okay, I get it!"[/color] Tanrith said, quickly raising his arms up into the air in a gesture of peace as the two continued to argue in front of him. [color=2B8DF8]"So you're both from here, but one of you lives here, the other left to join the Doomguard, and there's some bitterness floating around about that, I get it, it's cool!"[/color] As the group introduced themselves, he nodded and raised to of his fingers up to his forehead, giving the armored members in the back a quick salute with a smile on his face. It seemed his initial worries didn't seem to amount to much. He had even gotten an explanation for whatever he was seeing in the water behind them. Though what this...Sarceron was saying did worry him a bit, but if the Doomguard captain lady seemed confident, he didn't have a reason to question her just yet. Finally getting back to the topic at hand, he chuckled a bit. [color=2B8DF8]"Well, Faelee, Sarceron. Nice to meet ya!~"[/color] he exclaimed. He then held out both of his arms to the two of them, one for each. [color=2B8DF8]"The name's Tanrith. Tanrith Stormclaw. But some people might know me as-"[/color] He paused for a moment, glancing around for a moment before lowering his tone. [color=2B8DF8]"The [i]Lightning Fang[/i]!"[/color] He murmured that rather lowly as though it were important to anybody but himself. [color=2B8DF8]"And this here is my friend, Zyrech!"[/color] he called out. Since his arms were too busy extending themselves out to the pair, he allowed his tail to shift around, tapping the edge of the mechanical dragon beneath him. [color=2B8DF8]"Made him myself. My masterpiece! Say hi, Zy!"[/color] At his command, the mech dragon lowered its head, a low rumbling emerging from within, bowing a little bit before returning to his normal stance. [color=2B8DF8]"Heheh...that's the best he's got, unfortunately,"[/color] Tanrith added nervously. [color=2B8DF8]"Never was able to figure out how to give him the ability to say anything. I mean, I could implant recordings of voices and get [i]them[/i] to play in response to certain phrases or actions, but it wouldn't be the same...."[/color] He trailed off for a moment as though that seemed to have taken a bit of the wind from his sails for a moment. But then he sat upright again with a slight grin. [color=2B8DF8]"But hey, he can understand three whole languages, so that's something, right?~ And he's almost as good at fixing things as I am! Pretty cool, huh?"[/color] Tanrith had been speaking quickly and energetically. If nothing else, he hoped that perhaps he might be able to disarm the two from their own fighting by changing the subject around a bit. Maybe if he could get them to talk about something else, he could lighten the atmosphere a bit and get them to talk about the situation with a bit less...hostility.