[quote=@Estylwen] Yeah, we can make Changlungs have a lifespan of 450 years. That goes in keeping with the other races I have so far. ERode has it pretty much right. King Ludwig II preferred to do things peacefully, using the power of his army to quell anymore fighting by more intimidation, and offering good peace treaties. Aethera and Rockhold were the most stubborn, but it was only Aethera that had a full scale invasion of the city done by the King. Does that answer it alright? [/quote] Hmm, I see. I was mainly asking because I was intending for Caelin, the island my character now holds, to have been one of the main holdouts until the very end of the war until she took drastic actions and took control to prevent destruction. If that doesn't mesh well with Aethera and Rockhold and the lore though, I'll change it.