[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/tbIvwoy.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240504/7ea89157aa7490b85c1faa2a61df7e74.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: The Northern Forest Outside of Dawnhaven[/sub][/cell][/row][/table] Kira narrowed her eyes as the blight-born stranger claimed the human blood covering him was simply a result of self-defense. She wasn't inclined to believe him, but she understood all too well the relentless nature of the Lunarian people. In Lunaris, there was no mercy for those cursed with their affliction, and she herself had been hunted many times over the past two years. His story, at the very least, was plausible. While she empathized, her training as an assassin reminded her not to trust so easily. [color=ed1c24]"Please don't judge me! Hurting them was not my intention! I just want to get to Dawnhaven and finally catch a good night's sleep... Can you help a brotha out?"[/color] Kira took a startled step backward as the man dropped to his hands and knees before her. Her brows furrowed in complete shock as she watched him crumble to the ground, begging for her assistance. Did he have any shred of dignity left? She found herself starting to judge him but quickly corrected her train of thought. The blight had driven many to actions they never would have imagined in a previous life - including herself. [color=0054a6]“Your plea has been heard. Dawnhaven may offer you sanctuary, but your actions henceforth must reflect your intent for peace. We do not judge solely on past deeds but on the promise of a better path.”[/color] Kira looked to her right where Orion finally decided to reveal himself from the shadows, her eyes studying the royal advisor carefully as he offered a hand to the stranger. She wondered if he was making a wise decision, as she was clearly more cautious of the man than Orion was, but she was smart enough not to voice her objections. She held no leverage in Dawnhaven, as much as she hated it. If Orion wanted to accept the blood covered man then she would have to hold her tongue - it was not her place to offer advice. [color=DC561E][i]“How has he remained so trusting of people?”[/i][/color] She pondered as she watched the interaction. Truth be told, she had steeled her heart to others long before she had become blight-born, but it had only worsened over the last two years. [color=DC561E][i]“Must be an Aurelian thing.”[/i][/color] She thought, dismissing the fact that her own blood was also Aurelian. She was nothing like [i]them.[/i] [color=DC561E]“Behave and you might just have a home again.”[/color] Kira said, her attention returning to the stranger as he got back on his feet. She didn't know how long he had been afflicted, but spending a lifetime running was exhausting and Kira knew how valuable it was to have a place to call home again. She glanced at Orion one more time before taking a few more steps backwards into the forest, giving him downward nod signaled her appreciation and that she would see him later. Orion would need to escort this civilian to the Prince on his own - Kira didn't want to be responsible for a potentially feral blight-born. The royal couple was much more likely to punish Kira for such a mistake than they were Orion. Turning away from them, fingers still wrapped around her dagger, Kira disappeared back into the shadows of the forest. The run in with this strange man had done little to quell her craving for blood, so she returned to her mission: find a meal. [hr] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Orion [@Qia], Willis [@BOOM][/sub]