[color=#B7C9E2][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240613/2722e2e382360d94e9b84362e778cc0d.png[/img] [/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/YD8cbvD/luna-smile.jpg[/img] [color=2E2C2C][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=// INFO][indent][sub][b]D A T A[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Full Name[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Meguro Tsukiko[/COLOR] [B]Hometown[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Aomori, Aomori Prefecture, Japan[/COLOR] [b]Quirk Type[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Emitter[/COLOR] [B]Gender[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Femme[/COLOR][/color][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=// PERSONALITY][indent][SUB][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]Positive[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Tsukiko may have been born blind, but she's not going to let it bring her down. Unrelentingly positive in a gentle sort of way, she's always ready to smile. And though her smiles may be a bit quieter than most, they're no less genuine, and she wears them often.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Mischievous[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]But when she's not 'doing hero things,' that energy [i]is[/i] still there, and it [i]does[/i] still have to go somewhere. Aoi is an unrepentant prankster, often leveraging her Quirk to jump around into other students' devices and sticking around for a while to mess with them. She never really wants to cause any real problems with this; she has less than zero interest in blackmailing or coercing or any of that distinctly non-heroic stuff. But while she'd never intentionally hurt you, she [i]can[/i] be [i]exremely[/i] annoying.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Positive[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Still, for all that irritation she can bring...she can still always be counted on to have a smile on her face. And while her having her grinning at you after she calls your mom through your cell phone without you knowing can be frustrating, having her stepping forward with a grin when things get bad and your backs are to the wall is another thing entirely. Even when playing her pranks, she is ever a font of limitless cheer, just as ready to laugh at herself as she is to laugh at you. She holds no grudges from pranks--turnabout is fair play, after all--and it really takes some [i]doing[/i] to pull the smile off her face.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b]Physical Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Saiba Aoi is...not tall. Standing at a tiny 148cm (more or less 4'10"), she is head and shoulders below several of her classmates, and still significantly shorter than even the other 'short' students. Cornflower blue hair tied in twintails and bright blue eyes frame and sit atop a narrow, pale face that is nearly always sporting a big smile. Her frame is as small as the rest of her and as narrow as her face. Her legs are long (proportionately, at least) and as slender as the rest of her. She is fairly weak as far as appearances go, with relatively undeveloped musculature. Still, though she isn't [i]strong[/i] by any means, she's much stronger than she looks. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the obvious appearance: her legs evaporate into pixels and electricity, and then nothingness, from her mid-shin down. She can't [i]fly[/i] or anything, but it does mean she never needs to touch the ground. It must be noticed that with her Quirk fully active--that is to say, with her entire body digitized--she changes appearance slightly on whatever screen she manifests on. Her cornflower blue hair fades to glowing electric blue at the tips, and her blue eyes turn to a bright turquoise-cyan. She gains a few digitized lines on each cheek. Whatever she's wearing or carrying at the time comes with her when she jumps in. Excepting, of course, her phone if she uses it to jump in. While at school she wears her Ishin Academy uniform as per requirements, when she's got the choice to wear something else she is inordinately fond of a tracksuit jacket with [i]hugely[/i] oversized sleeves into which her arms just about disappear. [/indent][/color] [b]Personal History[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Aoi has always been a computer person. Even when she was a small child, she was endlessly fascinated by them, often spending hours poking at them (and accomplishing nothing, of course, she was a small child after all). Her mother Kimiko, a four-armed programmer, indulged her daughter, let her fiddle around to her heart's content as long as she didn't touch the work stuff. Still, as Aoi grew, she nursed a private worry. Quirks were inherited. But Aoi didn't have four arms like her, and her husband... ...Well, Saiba Ryoutarou was Quirkless. And as Aoi grew and grew, past six, seven, eight, it looked like she might be Quirkless too. And some of the kids at school were starting to notice. So both Kimiko and Aoi were delighted--though Kimiko was deeply confused--to find that Aoi's legs had flickered and faded into pixelated data. And when she proudly walked into the classroom, hand in her pocket with her phone, and fell due to her unfamiliar physiology...she vanished. The class was instantly freaked out, and the teacher, even more so, running over in fear. Until... "[color=5F83DB]Whoaaaa![/color]" [/indent][/color] [b]Character Arc[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Perhaps it's not obvious at first glance what's up with Aoi, and where her character development will go. Well, I point you to the above backstory and ask you to consider it. For as cheerful and chipper as Aoi is all the time, she's also burdened down by feelings of inadequacy. Being treated as Quirkless until mid-elementary school, and then being told, however gently, that her Quirk just wasn't cut out of hero work... well, it's left some marks on her psyche. [/indent][/color] [b]Quirk Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent] Tsukiko has a particularly powerful utility Quirk known as [b][color=#B7C9E2]H[/color][color=#B8C9E0]y[/color][color=#BACADF]p[/color][color=#BCCADE]e[/color][color=#BECBDD]r[/color][color=#C0CBDB]c[/color][color=#C2CCDA]o[/color][color=#C4CDD9]g[/color][color=#C5CDD8]n[/color][color=#C7CED7]i[/color][color=#C9CED5]t[/color][color=#CBCFD4]i[/color][color=#CDCFD3]o[/color][color=#CFD0D2]n[/color][/b] [hider=Full Description]A transformation-type Quirk, it allows her to turn her body into computer data. Passively, as mentioned, her legs end mid-calf, and so instead of walking she floats a little ways off the ground. This gives her some advantages, like never needing to touch the ground when she needs to sneak around or if there's something hazardous on the ground, as well as giving her a certain level of controlled descent as long as she's falling feet first. However, it also has a major caveat attached: her legs either being immersed in or deluged with a sufficient amount of water, or being struck with a powerful enough electrical shock, can short her legs out and stop her from 'walking' for anywhere from a few seconds to a handful of minutes as they reboot. They've got a few other properties as well; while she accelerates slower than most, once she's up and running she also runs faster than most, and while she can't jump at [i]all[/i] from a standstill, her jump height is dependent on how fast she's going. At her current maximum speed--roundabout sixteen mph--she can jump about four feet in the air. Actively, she can turn herself entirely into data, jumping into a device and working as a rogue computer program of sorts. She can either enter through a data stream that she has access to--i.e. disappearing into the camera network after being recorded by jumping after her recording--or perform a manual override by touching the object. Once she's inside, she can move around the settings and data of the machine as she wishes, pretty much setting the rules inside of whatever device she's in. Pretty much nothing happens that she can't control. She can also jump from device to device as long as there's a stream of data connecting the two that she can use as a pathway, whether that be hopping between computers on the same Wi-Fi network or calling someone from inside of a phone and then hopping along the cell data. That said, this power is certainly not limitless. First, in addition to the limitations of where she can enter a device, she can only leave at a terminal--she can't just jump out of a Wi-Fi signal in the middle of a house, only out of a computer, or phone, or router--and she can't leave instantly at any time. According to her, the dataspace of any given device has an 'exit door' that she needs to get back to before she can leave (although the same is true for riding on signals, it's MUCH faster for her, she can zip along one in less than a second as long as she's paying attention). And while she's immune to [i]physical[/i] harm, there are a suite of other things that can spell disaster for her. While she can stop commands to shut a computer or phone down, there's nothing she can do to stop someone from unplugging it, or taking out the battery. If that happens, then as long as the device is off, so is she; in a state of unconsciousness for as long as it takes to turn back on. If access to a network is revoked while she's in a device, whether by unplugging an ethernet cable or having the signal itself shut off (she can turn off airplane mode if it's turned on, so that doesn't do much), she is [i]trapped[/i] inside of that device and can't leave until it's either reconnected, or plugged in to a different device manually, after which she can jump up the cable. And finally, and most dangerous: if a device is [i]destroyed[/i] and she can't jump out in time, either through not paying attention, or the device being switch off...then it's lights out for her, forever. [/hider] Description in brief: Passively, Aoi has digitized legs that have different properties than normal people, cutting off some avenues and opening up others. Actively, she can transform into computer data, jumping inside of a terminal. She can travel at internet-fast speeds on Wi-Fi, data cables, or wire connections, but needs to open a channel through cell data by making a call at the moment, and can only travel between devices; she can't jump out midway. If the device she's in is disconnected from all data, she can't exit it. If it's turned off, she goes unconscious until it goes back on. If it's destroyed, she dies. [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR]