[hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/CTYZ7Pn.png[/img][h3][right][b]G E Z O T O[/b][/right][/h3][hr][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asc4WsiCTg8][b]Music[/b][/url][hr] "Heh, always so professional." Gezoto replied before Togrash went off to charbroil more of the enemy. Once the lizardman's back was turned, however, the horned alien's mouth quirked down at the corners. The fiery warrior was always so to-the-point, so driven, looking to "test himself," and in terms of raw power level he was stronger than both Gezoto and Wiik--by now, he might've even surpassed Rhubari. You'd almost think he was one of those dumb apes from Planet Vegeta, always bragging about their "Warrior Race." It pissed Gezoto off. [i]He[/i] was supposed to be next in line, he was Aneki's right-hand man! But at this rate, that sadistic shortstack in charge of things was probably gonna promote the lizard to squad leader! Gezoto looked down at his fist, then clenched it hard enough his knuckles popped. While he was distracted, another of the Pastaran tanks rolled up on him and leveled its main cannon. The four frogmen inside worked with practiced movements, two chambering and loading while the others worked with various mechanical instruments. "FIRE!" Gezoto turned towards them at the last moment, then crossed both arms in front of his body. With a growl, every muscle swelled up before going taut, his blocky spikes locking into place like a line of shutters coming down! "Spike Wall!" There was a sound like stone cracking as his flesh hardened. The tank shell struck him a half-instant later. The blast hit the Ssupaik-jin's body and split, decimating the street all around Gezoto in a V shape, with only what was behind his body left unharmed. The smoke cleared, revealing a coating of black suit and debris over the invader. The frogmen inside the tank exchanged high fives with a cheer. Gezoto's body popped and crackled all over as he loosened himself up, and shook off the dust. He was scraped and bruised all over, but it only served to anger him further. With a snarl, he wrapped both arms around the tank's barrel and squeezed it, crushing it as easily as one crushes an empty soda can in one hand. "I WAS HAVIN--" He spun, levering the whole tank off the ground, "A FRIGGIN' MOMENT HERE!" Rising a few feet off the ground with one last spin, he hurled the armored vehicle. It flew higher than any non-winged machine of its size could hope, and crashed into one of the skyscrapers with enough weight to take out multiple floors. This brought the top half of the building down, and the rest of the base began to tilt underneath all the collapsed weight. Both arms hanging to his knees, Gezoto's chest heaved with heavy breaths. Just then, a transmission came through on his scouter. Two high power levels? And Togrash was already trying to beat him to it! "Not again, ya damn lizard!" he said, but he wasn't using his comm-link. He blasted off into the air, flying full-throttle in the direction his scouter indicated. [i]I WILL get stronger! One day, Togrash is gonna WISH he was me! I'll show 'em all![/i] Expending more ki than necessary, he put on a burst of speed. Soon Togrash was in view--as were two dark shapes approaching in the purple sky...