[b][i]Constantine XI Shielder Lily[/i][/b] [hider=Boy on a Motorbike][img]https://i.imgur.com/brnQluU.jpeg[/img][/hider] Constantine XI Shielder Lily leaned forwards a little conspiratorially, gave the smallest of grins, and said, [b]"The Grail in Fuyuki is corrupted by a malign force anathema to Humanity that turns all wishes made with it into a mockery of the wisher's original intentions. This Grail, in Kyoto, contains fragments of this impurity, which we shall call Angra Manjyu, the utter force of evil in Iranian Zoroastrianism, though much less so than the Original Grail. Also, further modifications were made so that the Grail does [i]not[/i] need to manifest in an Einzbern Homunculus as Servants die in the Kyoto Holy Grail War, but those destabilized the magical structure of the Grail and now it's spitting out Rogue Servants beyond the original Seven."[/b] He straightened his posture, and his eyes glinted with reflected light as he continued, [b]"So you're dealing with a flawed system and a broken creation that's sputtering at the seams. Does that [i]test your resolve[/i]?"[/b] [b][i]Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya[/i][/b] Saber would feel it; Lorenzo was suppressing rage, disappointment, hatred... And a sense of validation as he wordlessly locked himself into a resolution. The Grail was unnecessary at best and needed to be destroyed at worst. And woe betide those who stood in the way of that goal. Nevertheless, courtesy, friendliness, and the desire not to strike the first blow stayed his words and his hand - Looking at Gajah Mada, he waited for the Saber-class Servant to make her decision. Will she stake her wishes on such a flawed vessel, and disappoint him? Or would she give up this chance, and prove herself willing to choose a proven good and cast aside a proven evil? [@GubGar] [@randomguy][@Double D] [b][i]Oleg-Marie Animusphere[/i][/b] Oleg-Marie Animusphere nodded and bowed before Kayneth's familiar, even as several Animusphere Branch Family members, the very ones he had brought as his entourage on his father's orders, burst inside his room, shouting: [b]"Your father said you would betray us! How dare you?!"[/b] before launching a volley of curses, burning Starfire, and various combat magecraft which he easily countered with a shield powerful enough to parry a Servant's attack, then followed up with a burst of his own incendiary starlight. With Kayneth's Familiar as his witness, Oleg-Marie Animuspehere fought alone against the men and women who now sought to become his replacement, felling one, then three, then five of them, before the seven remaining rogue branch members attempted to flee. They would not make it to the door before being melted down into fat and ashes. Turning towards Kayneth's familiar, Oleg-Marie said, [b]"This is what I have to bring to our alliance, Lord El-Melloi. I hope you are honored with this humble offer of my skills."[/b] [@GOATPlumber][@ManyThings]