[centre][img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Dark%20Heritage/Gajah%20Mada%20Servant%20Card_resized.png[/img][/centre] [hr] [i][color=39b54a]'An evil of Zoroastrianism having corrupted the grail?[/color][/i] Gajah Mada thought, once Shielder finished speaking. That was a cause of concern, if true. Gajah Mada could already feel her master's ire through their master-servant pact. Not surprising, given that her master had been upfront about how protecting innocent people was his main motivation in joining the war. It was not as if Gajah Mada was entirely unsympathetic to Lorenzo's sentiment, after all, she was an incarnation of Vishnu. She might not be counted among the ten primary avatars of Vishnu, the Dashavatara. The divinity indwelled among her pales in comparison to those ten, such as Rama or Khrisna. But nevertheless, she was an aspect of Vishnu, the protector of good and virtue, who descended into the world when righteousness waned and unrighteousness increased. If there was indeed an ancient evil existing in this age, as one of Vishnu's avatars, it was her sacred duty to annihilate that evil. However... [color=39b54a]"That is quite the claim, Shielder. You'll excuse me if I did not take it merely at your words. In the first place, it is quite suspect that a rogue servant—Servants that are anomalies, their movement limited by the leylines—would be able to possess this information when masters joining this war do not. I am not saying you are lying, but such a claim demands to be substantiated further. The existence of rogue servants is a symptom of an anomaly in the war, yes, but it says nothing regarding the nature of the anomaly itself. Until we have further proof, I see no reason to change our course of actions."[/color] Turning to Rider, she added, [color=39b54a]"At least that is where I stand at the moment. What say you, Rider? I would like to hear your thoughts."[/color] Through her telepathic link, she then addressed her Master, [i][color=39b54a]'Calm yourself, Master. While I agree that what Shielder said was a cause of concern, as I've said, we do not have proof of its veracity at this juncture. I suggest we continue doing what we've been doing. After all, if the grail truly is corrupted, all the more reason for us to ensure it does not fall to nefarious hands, no? Until we have concrete proof, I say we claim the grail for ourselves and then determine what we should do with it'[/color][/i] If she had determined for herself that the grail had been corrupted by evil, she would destroy it herself if needed, but until then, she would not simply renege on the very oath that had made her left indelible marks on history merely because someone claimed the grail to be corrupted.