[center] [img] https://i.ibb.co/z6KmDsm/arachne.png [/img] [/center] [hr] The Caster felt a tinge of annoyance as the barbarian princess once again foiled her plan to watch the Servants in the name of her amusement. Admittedly she haven't felt such amount of annoyance since people started praising the goddess instead of her for her talents. She wanted her to show her face? Fine she will, [color=ec008c][b]she wanted to punch that face of hers for killing her [s][b]childr-[/b][/s] familiars.[/b][/color] She retrieved her tapestries from her Master and began marching out of the building. "[color=ec008c]No promises."[/color] she yelled in the niche case that she is forced to fight. Manifesting her threads she began swinging her way around the town, heading towards the parking lot where the upcoming brawl. The information that the Saber is teasing, she should try to learn what it is about. It will be too late for her to hear about it but if she played cards right, she might be able to make that rouge servant spill her the secret. But enough plotting, it would be useless if she failed to arrive to the fight in the first place.