[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wi7IBym.png[/img] [h2][b][color=fff79a]Rider - Jan Sobieski[/color][/b][/h2] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] An abandoned lot in Kyoto [b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b] [@Letter Bee] [@Randomguy][/center] [hr] Jan's mustache droops as the discussion goes far over his head. He was quite embarrassed he hadn't managed to detect the familiar spying on them, and was rather concerned that it meant Constantine's eager introductions wherein he said his and Jan's true names got broadcasted. Not that there was anything he could do about it now that it had already happened. Furthermore, all of this talk of spying, corrupted grails. Zoroastrianism? Jan was feeling dumber by the minute. He knew his strengths and his weaknesses quite well, and he knew that unlike before, when he was doing battle, he was no longer in a strong position. He thought to himself one thing as a fair bit of the conversation went right over his head; [b][i][color=fff79a]Ah.. I miss my wife.[/color][/i][/b] Marie would know exactly what to make of all this. The politicking and decision making was so much harder when you didn't have a trusted advisor, or a beloved partner.. But to fall apart without her would be to shame her choice of husband. The warrior king may not be at his best in the battlefield of trading words, but he would endeavor to do his best. And as Saber called on him, he mustered the best response he could. [b][color=fff79a]"Truth be told, I've never been the wisest of men. I cannot say for certain I understand the full context of what is said. But I understand well enough, I think. It speaks to your wisdom as a tactician not to so easily accept the words of a could-be foe, Saber. I understand your skepticism, and find myself suspicious of just how Shielder came about this knowledge. Knowledge that, from what I know, no servant properly summoned has been given access to."[/color][/b] That was the ticket. View this through the lens of a battlefield, and Rider's understanding became far better. He still felt a bit outpaced, but now at the very least he could keep up. He was certain Marie would find the tactic boorish, but charming. As she did the rest of Jan's behavior. He looks over at the Shielder who seemed to have all the answers, and finds himself conflicted. [b][color=fff79a]"However, I know the True Name of this man, and as such I know his character quite well. He has been summoned young, perhaps not as wise as he would be in his prime.. But he is honorable to a fault. That is to say, he is no liar. I do not know if what he says is the truth of the matter, but I am certain that he has no intention of leading us astray."[/color][/b]