[center][h1][b][color=purple]Pia[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Pie woke slowly, dozing at first, before sitting bolt upright when she realised where she was, and what she remembered. She covered her face with both her hands and started gasping for breath. She wasn't sure how much more of this her nerves could take. If it wasn't corpses around them, or monsters attacking them, it was warring masked forces shooting each other for the privilege of capturing them. All Pia wanted, more than her memeries, more than answers, was a moment of safety where she could catch her breath, calm down and think. [color=purple]"Why is this happening to us?"[/color] She whispered qietly. [color=purple]"What did we do to deserve any of this?"[/color] She remembered the flashback that had been triggered. She didn't know who she was, why she was there and what happened exactly, but she could remember the guilt. The panic. The knowledge that she'd caused the death of that boy somehow. Was this her punishment? Their punishment?