[center][h3][color=DeepPink]Fiona[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]Zhou[/color][/h3][/center] Nice N Sleazy - Bar and Gig venue Last night around 09:00PM [hr] Fiona sat back on the mangy old couch with her boot resting on the edge of the table. She had one hand holding a half-drunk beer bottle and the other in the pocket of her zip-up hoodie. The room was small and stank of spilled alcohol and cigarette smoke, but it was far from the worst green room she'd ever been in. That was either a toss-up between the gig she played in Slough or the one in Blackpool; she still had nightmares about the stink in those rooms. She was backing up a rap duo, 'Vandal Verse.' She had met them not long after arriving in Arizona at a local concert, and after showing them her SoundCloud, they asked her to produce a few tracks for them and do instrumentals at their gigs when she had the time. Fiona didn't mind the two knuckleheads, and the extra cash wasn't so bad either. It was nice having friends outside of university, too. She still felt so new to the place, let alone the country, and relating to everyone was proving harder than she expected. She'd met a few people for sure, but she worried at times the only thing she had in common with them was their magical heritage. She knew it was a pessimistic attitude for sure, but she had always been an outsider. She could only hope people here would be a bit more accepting of her than those in her past. The club owner opened the door just as one half of the duo, Dave, began attempting to balance his beer bottle on his nose like a seal. Unfortunately for both of them, the door startled him, and he let the bottle fall and spill all over the floor. The club owner sighed, informing Dave that the accident would be taken out of their pay. They made their way to the side of the stage as the opener began to finish his set. Fiona breathed in deeply. She'd been on stage a million times, but each time she couldn't shake the nerves. Mike, the other half of the duo, turned to her with an unusually empathetic eye. "Hey, Fi, you nervous?" [color=DeepPink]"Me? Never."[/color] She spoke, puffing her chest and putting on a brave face. Mike just grinned back at her, sticking his thumb up as the two swaggered their way onto the stage, being met by the roar of the crowd. Fiona followed, rolling up her hoodie sleeves as she approached her decks. [hr] Fiona's room The next day [hr] Fiona begrudgingly woke up to the sound of her phone's alarm. She'd done her best to fight the conscious world, but she had been 'smart' enough last night to set about 11 consecutive alarms to prevent her from sleeping in and missing class again. She rubbed her face with a scowl, rolled out of bed, and checked her phone notifications. It was the usual stuff: Instagram, Twitter, texts from her parents. She kept scrolling until she found her group chat with Vandal Verse. [quote=Mike]Yo, Fi great gig last night man.[/quote] [quote=Dave]Ye dude ty for backing us up it wz sick[/quote] [quote=Mike]I'll venmo you what we're due you later today bro, c u soon[/quote] Fiona grinned. You could call the two a lot of things, but reliable and loyal definitely needed to be included. She sent a quick text back thanking them and tossed her phone onto her desk before heading for a quick shower and changing into something more appropriate than her pajamas. She looked around her small room. She'd tried to make it as personal as possible, but it still felt like a dorm room to her. Various band posters plastered the walls, and she'd put some LED lighting around the top of the ceiling. Her laptop rested on the desk next to various music equipment, and her guitar sat in the corner of the room. She finished putting in the last of her jewelry, her nose ring, and plugged in her earbuds as she left the room. Tapping a few buttons on her cracked iPhone screen, she landed on the encore [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV_krx_qDyE]song[/url] she and the rap duo had put together for last night's gig. It began to drown out any external noise as she made her way through the dorm. Groggily making her way down the stairs, her eye was caught by an all-black poster for a metal band on the wall. She stopped, reading it before realizing she recognized one of the faces in the stylized black-and-white photo underneath their band logo. It was that metalhead, Steve, she'd met a few times. He seemed like a nice enough guy, and it didn't hurt to have more musically inclined friends. She noted the time and date of the gig in her phone and continued on to the common room. As she entered, she was hit in the face with the smell of weed. It could only be one person, Abasi. She took out her earphones. If he had managed to wake up before her, she'd missed her chance to get control of the ever-valuable sound system. It could be worse, though; she didn't mind the usual funk and soul playlist he had on. It was much better than some of the other stuff that got played in there, that was for sure. She glanced at the figures in the room, raising her hand in a small wave as she made her way to the couches. [color=DeepPink]"Hey guys, what's up?"[/color] she asked, slumping down on the couch adjacent to the one Abasi and Steve were sitting on. Her eyes drifted over to Ava as she called out for the money match. [color=DeepPink]"I'll play, but I'm for sure not putting up money against someone with that controller, I suck as it is let alone against that hardware."[/color]