Ohh no. It seems, in whatever atrocious nightmare Tohato had fallen into, he’d found the worst reality possible. Apparently, he was a winged monstrosity. Apparently, he landed on a beast. Apparently, there were 3 other…. People..? There, and they… [i]probably[/i] saw him as a threat. And, apparently, that [i]thing[/i] he’d landed on was reforming itself. Wonderful. Just… wonderful. Tohato looked down at his… hands…? Talons? At the void that he became, and the red light that somehow still emitted from him. The red eyes around him, his strange halo, spun as he tried to register everything. But… wait. He could register the rabbit puppet and the strange humanoid deer, the two that had fallen in that hallway right as he landed in this new form, were… people. They both spoke, aware. And, on top of that, the one still standing— a girl, with some more… wolf-like..? Features? Definitely the most human out of the whole group. Her first instinct was to ask him if he was going to harm them. “What?! No— n-no, I don’t— uh—“ Tohato shifted his weight and felt that glass dig into his strange void skin, that dark candle wax. That was…. [i]painful[/i] to say the least— wait. Why was he experiencing pain? This was a dream! This had to be a dream— this absolutely wasn’t his body, this absolutely isn’t the real world. Fuck, there was no [i]time[/i] to think right now! They had to get out of there! He promptly ran to the nearby hallway where everyone that wasn’t a glass abomination was. Out of the many arms and wings, Tohato reached out a pair to the strange collapsed doll. Then, he looked over to the woman that still stood, and spoke— somehow, he spoke, despite… not exactly feeling where his mouth is. “Hey— Ms. Wolf, we— we need to leave, [i]right now,[/i] so please help me drag the other person out of here!” And with that, the cosmic horror that had landed just moments ago sped off with a stranger in his arms, instinct taking over the fear of how… this wasn’t actually just a dream.