[CENTER][color=598527][h1]Near Hither?[/h1][/color] [h2][color=6ecff6]????[/color][/h2][/CENTER] As Brutrumukk approaches the fountain to interact with the bird, he can hear the macaw mumbling to itself in Common! It moves about on the lip of the fountain bowl as though it were pacing, "[color=ed1c24]...Stupid, [I]stupid[/I] girl! I just [I]had[/I] to get ripped from the Feywild to serve some stupid, wannabe wizard of a girl! And what does she make me do? Help out with chores...![/color]" When Brutrumukk holds out food and beckons to it to land on his shoulder in exchange for food, the macaw notices and seems to roll its eyes while looking up, "[color=ed1c24]Oh great! And now some jester [i]schmuck[/i] thinks I'm some stupid parrot who would do anything for food![/color]" [hider=Jub's Arcana. No roll needed]Jub, you do not need to think hard about this magical anomaly. You have this spell in your spellbook! You realize that the macaw is no mere macaw. This is somebody's familiar![/hider] After a moment, the macaw seems to widen his own eyes in surprise, before he speaks, "[color=ed1c24]Wait a minute! How'd you get here?![/color]" He doesn't even allow time for Brutrumukk and Jub to answer as he squawks and takes flight, "[color=ed1c24]AH! Aaliyah! [i]Aaliyah![/i] We got weirdos in the courtyard! I repeat: [i]Weirdos in the courtyard!!![/i][/color]" [@XxFellsingxX][@rush99999] [hr] [CENTER][color=598527][h1]Hither[/h1][/color][/CENTER] [CENTER][color=00746b][h2]Downfall: Hut (D16)[/h2][/color][/CENTER] The party was able to rest for a good hour, and plan the assassination of the king in relative peace, with the Bullywugs willing to provide any information the party needed. Eventually it soon became time to head out. The bullywugs told the party, "Follow us. We'll lead you to him," [CENTER][color=00746b][h2]Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)[/h2][/color][/CENTER] The bullywugs led them around the circle of fog around the hut, and soon came to where King Gullop sat with the large tome in his lap. He looks angry at his five guards. Three of them look exhausted and are still panting, while two of them look fine but abashed. "How could this happen?! You [I]idiots[/I]! How can a gnome and a goblin manage to outrun you and steal our last balloon!!!" The knights who could still breathe, bow and apologize profusely, "We're so sorry, Your Highness! It won't happen again, Sir!" [@Lurking Krog][@Dark Cloud][@Fading Memory][@Cao the Exiled]