[center][color=7bcdc8][h3]Vivian[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][@AzureKnight](VRA), [@Rezod92] Kazunosuke’s mild prank aside, he did have a valid question to ask the three. Why bother helping humans at all, when as soon as this was over, they’d likely be banished? Or even betrayed? This was a fool’s errand, start to finish, that could only end well if humans overcame their fear of monsters. But, given the island’s history, that was…less than likely. Still, Vivian would answer: [color=7bcdc8][b]”Why do you practice with a sword, despite knowing one day it might cut you? Why fight and grow stronger when some day, you’ll be weak and old? Humans are far too foolish to think at lengths on something’s motives. I myself have no intention of sticking around, but your friend and lord leads a hopeless rebellion, backed by people his nation fears, and fighting an engine of cruelty that would cut down everyone to the man if it meant seizing Shizuyama,”[/b][/color] Sitting with one foot spiked into the ground, Vivian demonstrated impressive balance as she crossed her free leg over the spiked one, spreading her arms a bit as she continued. [color=7bcdc8][b]”I know how it feels to push yourself to breaking. Knew the risks of it far beforehand. And yet still, I chased victory. I don’t know if I’ll find what I seek here, or anywhere, but I know that I will find nothing by running forever. And besides…the spirit underdog humans show is amusing. I saw a man your age with a quarter the skill pilot a ship through rough waters, not surrendering even as Varjan cannonfire rained down on his vessel. …When I see determination such as that…I can’t simply ignore it.”[/b][/color] Vivian would then rise from her perch, leg turning back to its normal pointed, yet humanoid frozen state. [color=7bcdc8][b]”I look forward to working with you, Dancing Blade.”[/b][/color] [hr] [center][color=fdc68a][h3]Matsuri[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [color=fdc68a][b]”Hmm…it makes more sense to keep you all held back for now, rather than just throwing you out into the wild and hoping one makes it,”[/b][/color] Matsuri said before shrugging slightly. [color=fdc68a][b]”But, I’m not as smart as a lord for sure. Still, I’m really glad that there are still some shinobi around! I bet together, we can make those Varjans pack up before the end of the year,”[/b][/color] the fox woman said, infinitely hopeful as she removed her festival mask, looking Kageho in the eyes just before she said to head to Takeshi, and that she’d follow from behind…before completely vanishing. Pouting slightly, Matsuri would fold her arms. [color=fdc68a][b]”Lady Kyouko said they don’t trust yokai, but I didn’t think she’d be opposed to being seen walking back together…”[/b][/color] the Inari grumbled, misunderstanding a little bit of why Kageho didn’t want to walk back directly next to her. Still, she didn’t have much left to do, and would resolve to return to the temple to report in.