[center][h1][color=black]♣[/color][/h1][/center] [center][sup][i]Humanity came close to decimation by devils. But just one man...inspired others to break through their limits, and come together to fight! As Magic Knights, they saved humankind. Thereafter they called him the Anti-Magic King. He became a legend--along with his friends, rivals, and allies. It has been [u]one hundred and fifty years[/u] since that day.[/i][/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [b]In generations past, there was a great gap between the commoners and the nobility of the Clover Kingdom. Those who were "beloved by Mana" believed themselves superior. But the Anti-Magic King and those who fought alongside him overturned all that. Again and again, they proved that even those of common birth--even someone without a single drop of Mana--could surpass their limits! To them, the true magic was "Never giving up!" To some, this is unacceptable. Trouble has begun to brew once more within the Clover. The Elves of Elysia have begun to repopulate, stirring old grudges from long ago. The borders of Heart, Diamond, and Spade still experience tensions and skirmishes. Devil Cults have appeared, twisting the Anti-Magic King's deeds to justify evil acts. But, there is another, more worrisome conflict that continues to grow day by day... This conflict has caused a schism throughout all the Clover Kingdom's society. Even within the very Magic Knights sworn to protect that society! A movement has arisen that wishes to overthrow the Monarchy and the Nobility; they claim that they wish for new government, and new opportunities for all people. Even those who do not follow this movement have become split into different factions. Some wish to deal with them harshly and maintain the status quo. They are secure in the superiority of their magical power and their bloodlines. Others believe in compromise. Still some seek to uphold the rule of law and order rather than allow an anarchic rebellion. But soon, the hand of fate shall be dealt. Will the Clover change suits? Perhaps you will be the one to make the play...[/b] [hr][hr] [b]Welcome to Black Clover: Fool's Arcana![/b] If you're not familiar with the anime/manga, this is a fantasy setting in which a roughly medieval world is gifted with Magic. A mage reaches their full potential through a Grimoire. No two mages are exactly alike, even if they share elemental alignments like Fire or Water. The strongest magicians aim to become Magic Knights and protect the Clover Kingdom! [b]In this RP, you'll take the role of potential Magic Knight Recruits.[/b] You have journeyed to take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam! As your magical ability grows and you are sent out on missions to prove yourself, you'll come into conflict with the various parties mentioned above--from simple bandits to political revolutionaries. In the end, you'll have to decide what you stand for, and who you'll support. Will you become a pillar that upholds the justice of the Clover Kingdom? Or will you topple those same columns to bring it all crashing down? No matter your goal, the only spell that will bring success is "Never giving up!" [b]Surpass your limits--Right here, right now![/b] [b]With that said, here's how I'll be running this RP:[/b][list] [*][hider=Emphasis on combat and narrative]I like fight scenes, and this is a battle shonen after all. In Black Clover especially, there's a lot of emphasis on team battles. There'll be Monsters, Bandits, Rogue Mages, maybe even Devils! [b]By and large it will all be PvE[/b].[/hider] [*][hider=Character Progression]Players will start with up to 3 Spells and 3 Skills (Think swordsmanship, keen intellect, etc) and "unlock" more as the story progresses. If I think a Player should realistically be running low on Mana after casting a lot of spells, or something of that nature, [b]it'll usually be pointed out in the narrative[/b]. And although we're meant to grow stronger as the game goes on, remember to make an interesting story and be fair to other players![/hider] [*][hider=Missions and Plot Events]As Magic Knights, Players will be taking on "Missions," oftentimes in groups. Accomplishments on these missions will see the players promoted through the ranks of their squad. Some missions will build up the overall plot, others not so much. At certain milestones, Plot Events will occur, advancing the story and causing ripple effects in the game's world.[/hider] [*][hider=NPC Interaction]Because the Magic Knights have [b]Captains[/b], and of course we'll be working our way through a variety of enemies, Players will encounter a large cast of NPCs over the course of the game. Some will appear quite powerful at first, but it's entirely possible--preferred, even--that our characters will eventually surpass them! How Players deal with them will determine the outcomes of their own personal arcs, which may influence the plot.[/hider][/list] [h2]So, who would be interested?[/h2]