[color=lightgray][right][sub][color=ed145b]TW:[/color] mentions/description of withdrawal symptoms [@LovelyComplex], [@Aces Away], & [@Hey Im Jordan] TIMESTAMP: Sometime after [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5527392]The Price is Right[/url] [color=#cba55a]Ethan[/color], [color=#cb5a5a]Andy[/color], [color=#dc143c]Decky[/color], & [color=#c45508]Sully[/color] Big FT of: [color=#b57f13]Henry Green[/color] Small FT: [color=#a52521]Owen Lyon[/color] [/sub][/right] [center]____________________________________________________________________ [img]https://i.imgur.com/iJ92DGH.png[/img] ____________________________________________________________________[/center] [indent][indent]Decky glared up from the backseat of the car at the house Ethan had driven them, arm around Sully’s shoulders as the younger senior dozed pressed up against his side. The spanish colonial style home stood large and wide across an already sprawling property with perfectly trimmed hedges and manicured lawns, garden beds taking up both sides of the house with the ornate entryway sitting regally in the middle. He had a feeling before, but he knew for sure now that he was going to hate every minute of this, and if the vineyard party was to be any similar then he was glad he’d be high as fuck the whole time. As Ethan brought the car to a stop, Decky tapped Sully on his bicep until the lighter brunette opened bleary eyes, which Decky easily took as his cue to straighten up and take his enveloping arm away. Sully sat up and rubbed at his eyes as he reacclimated to the waking world, trying to remember what was going on past the fact that he fell asleep on his friend, the other boy easily recognizable to him even before he began to register anything else. He looked at the scowling mechanic blankly before following his gaze out the window of the car and to the property beyond. [color=#c45508]“Oh yeah,” [/color]He stated simply, gaze traveling across the architecture before them with minimal interest or thought aside from, [i][color=#c45508]shit’s huge[/color][/i]. Then, he registered that they were there already. [color=#c45508]“Wait, how long was I sleepin’ for?”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Does it matter?”[/color] Decky scowled at Sully and threw the door open but didn’t step out yet. [color=#dc143c]“Ya obviously needed it. Green, what’re we doin’? Waitin’ here for a cue or just followin’ ya in?”[/color] There wasn’t an immediate response. With his mind finally slowing down, in the comfort of his property, and parked, Ethan was looking through all his messages to make sure he didn’t miss anything from the chat with his boys to his girlfriends’ dms. If it wasn’t obvious by now, Ethan wasn’t the best person to text. Actually, he sucked at it. Noting the time, the game would start in twenty five minutes, Ethan wondered to himself if it was even worth going to the game. The thought of the game was fleeting because soon enough, he realized he had a text from an unknown number. He raised an eyebrow. [quote]From: [color=#a52521]Unknown[/color] [color=#a52521]yo, im new. my name’s owen. jamie suggested i text you[/color] [color=#a52521]he said i need to be in attendance for your party tomorrow[/color] [color=#a52521]he also said you owe him one for not telling your girlfriends about each other[/color][/quote] There was a momentary rumble of protest in his throat. Jamie was being bold, as per usual. [i]Owen? [/i]Doesn’t ring a bell. He must be new. Ethan didn’t know any Owen in their year and if Owen was already connected with Jamie, and Jamie suggested Owen to him that means the gossip boy thought this new kid suited the Elite. Or the gossip boy wanted to protect this new kid from Hive. Whatever the reason was, it seemed that his hand was being played for him. Ethan didn’t want any trouble and being on Trixie and Jamie’s good graces wasn’t such a bad thing… sometimes. They were needy, especially when they wanted him to do something. It got exhausting but at the same time, it wasn’t like he cared for school politics and the petty drama. He just wanted to chill and build a brotherhood (which was inclusive to all genders). He just helped them from time to time because they asked (it’s that easy, folks). Once he added the number in his contact, he messaged back. [quote]To: [color=#a52521]Owen [/color] [color=#cba55a]you do[/color] [color=#cba55a]anyone that’s anyone is going to be there[/color] [color=#cba55a]don’t expect you to go to the dance [/color] [color=#cba55a]at 6[/color] [color=#cba55a]Party bus will be in the lot 7:30[/color] [color=#cba55a]We ride then[/color][/quote] [quote]From: [color=#a52521]Owen[/color] [color=#a52521]I don't really party so rn I'm just planning on staying at the gym[/color] [color=#a52521]But Jamie said he'd hook me up with Trixie if I went so I might be there lol[/color][/quote] Oh. This was going to be too easy. With quick ease, Ethan copied Trixie’s instagram url and put it in his text with the transfer student. He pressed send, dangling the hot babe to guarantee Owen went to his party. Trixie was hot. She was just hard to get. Maybe Owen would be different. Maybe she’d bite. [quote]To: [color=#a52521]Owen [/color] [color=#cba55a]your welcome. [/color] [color=#cba55a]see you tomorrow.[/color] [/quote] [color=#cba55a]“Sorry boys,” [/color]Ethan finally responded. [color=#cba55a]“Had to take care of something, but come on, let me show you around my family’s crib.” [/color]Ignition off, Ethan was out of his car leading the way to the front entrance. Once he unlocked the front door, he gestured for the two lost souls to enter one of his family’s properties and make themselves at home. [color=#cba55a]“Wha’cha think? Pretty dope, huh?” [/color] [color=#c45508]“I feel bad for your landscapers,”[/color] Sully responded with little thought as he glanced around the ornate foyer with a vaulted ceiling and chandelier, mind still a bit behind and processing the outside still. [color=#dc143c]“I fuckin’ hate rich people,”[/color] Decky muttered darkly, glaring at the ostentatious display before him. [color=#dc143c]“Too much fuckin’ time an’ money, too many tchotchkes. There’s so much shit, what the hell is the point in havin’ all these [i]things[/i]?”[/color] [color=#c45508]“To fill the empty spaces they can’t in their hearts?”[/color] Decky paused and stared at the other poor boy in the room, not surprised that Sully’s barely-there mental filter hadn’t woken up with him, but the tiktoker hadn’t even missed a beat. Decky was almost proud. [color=#dc143c]“Huh, you’re probably on ta somethin’,”[/color] He agreed easily. The usual laid back and all smiles Ethan Green was now wearing a pinched expression. [color=#cba55a]“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” [/color]the Elite leader whispered under his breath. Crossing his arms, he stared at his two guests disappointed. [color=#cba55a]“You’re both acting like my cousins, but just on the opposite end of the spectrum.” [/color]Was he wrong for picking these two to be fake friends with Andy? Well, they didn’t say no to his offer, so this money they were disgusted by was helping them get what they wanted. If they were really against helping him, they should’ve just communicated. It was too late now. They were here and they were going to help him get the vineyard. [color=#cba55a]“We only have one landscaper and I help him,” [/color]Ethan disclosed, flicking at his nails that had dirt in them. [color=#cba55a]“My dad has given him full reigns on the design and basically can do whatever the fuck he wants. He gets paid well. It’s my job to mow the lawn, do the dishes, take out the trash, clean the fucking pool, and be my brother’s keeper. My parents didn’t raise bitches and it’s wild to me your friends with AJ if you think like this.” [/color]Looking away from Mordechai and Sully, burying his annoyance and bringing out his casual, cool persona (his automatic setting), Ethan breathed, focusing on the task at hand and emptying out any worry. He yelled, [color=#cba55a]“ANDY YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE!” [/color]His voice was loud enough that if his father was home, he would hear. His mom wasn’t home — she was in Tokyo purchasing an exclusive statue for one of her all time favorite animes — so unless she had ultrasonic hearing, she would not hear him. She would not appear. [color=#c45508]“He’s got a point.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Shut up, Sully.”[/color] Sully shrugged at the surly boy, not having intended to say any more on the matter anyways. Ethan had been right, what Sully and Decky had said was rude and deserved reprimand. Oli was his best friend, it wasn’t like the DIY streamer was unused to sights similar to the Green home. But, Sully forgets himself often and randomly spits out the things he’d heard growing up in his low income neighborhood, where there was no love to be had for the opulent lifestyles existing just a few blocks away. What he’d said about empty hearts had been something his uncle said often, usually a few minutes or hours before he showed up with some stolen items from the very type of people he’d disparaged earlier. There was a reason uncle Del was in and out of jail his whole life, and Sully usually knew better than to quote him. His ma would probably be a little disappointed. Seeing as he’d probably hurt Ethan’s feelings without trying, and wondering if his words would have hurt Oli if he’d heard them, Sully removed himself from their little triangle, wandering away a bit to start inspecting the actual structure off the foyer’s interior rather than what it had hanging on its walls. Decky glared after the other boy in annoyance, arms crossed defensively and unwilling to admit that Ethan had properly chastised him. Not that the taller boy would care, especially given the way Decky had just acted, but his response had gained him a lot of respect in the gearhead’s eyes, as well as struck a chord with him at the [i]brother’s keeper[/i] comment. It made him think of his smoke session in the bathroom earlier with PJ and Nicky, and the only child’s initial unenthusiastic response to the way Decky had spoken about being a sibling. [center][i][color=#3adc56]“Sounds like a lot of work.”[/color][/i][/center] So yeah, Ethan had sufficiently made him feel like a bit of a dick while remaining humble himself, and Decky found himself liking the guy a little more. Who would’ve thought? Still, he didn’t want to be here. It’s been forever since he’s had a proper hit of anything but weed to mellow him out and his [i]people skills[/i] were barely passable when he was on a fresh high. But his uncle had insisted and no matter how obstinate he was, he tried his best to respect the wishes of the men that took him and his brother in. Any wind gone from his sails, Decky hunched his shoulders tensely and remained silent by Ethan’s side, awaiting the response and arrival of the two other Greens. By the time Decky had resolved to silently brood instead of loudly, Andy was only moments away from appearing on the scene… and appear he did. He had a plastic guitar strapped around his neck, hanging at his side. He crossed the long hallway and stood in front of his brother and his ‘friends,’ and it became immediately apparent that Andrew Green’s eyes were bloodshot, a redder tone than a fire hydrant. Somewhere along the way, weed must have come up between Andrew and his father. [color=#cb5a5a]“Dad’s downstairs. I’m glad you guys are here… He keeps wanting to play vocals, but maybe he’ll let someone else do it.”[/color] Andy glanced over at Decky and Sully, adding a quick explanation, [color=#cb5a5a]“my dad can’t sing. He’s got the juice but not the pipes. Does that make sense?”[/color] Though not a groundbreaking sentence, for the first time in their lives, Ethan was hearing his brother sound more like their father as he rambled about ‘the juice.’ He looked at Decky and Sully again, and it was like a wave of reminder had been washed over him. [color=#cb5a5a]“I don’t know what you guys like. Dad wants everybody to have a good time and he asked if we needed refreshments and I said probably, so! He gave me these to give to you.”[/color] He dropped a hand into his jeans pocket and produced a plastic baggie with two very full, very large rolled blunts which he thrust toward Decky. [color=#cb5a5a]“I think Dad thinks everyone we know is a stoner.”[/color] Though he was looking at Decky, that was directed toward his brother. [color=#cb5a5a]“Oh, he also wanted me to say ‘mi casa is su casa.’ Although… maybe I shouldn’t have said that he told me to say that… can I try again?”[/color] This time, it was back to Sully and Decky. [color=#dc143c]“No need, I got the message,”[/color] Decky replied, scowl still in place but tone lighter than it had been before Andy’s entrance. The other boy was pretty high from a glance alone, and his talkative nature was not something Decky was expecting, but he had a soft spot for ramblers and Andy being both chill and bouncy at the same time was as off putting to the former dealer as it was endearing. He hesitated a bit at the bag being offered to him before reaching out and taking it lightly from the musical Green with a soft but confused, [color=#dc143c]“Thanks,”[/color] while craning his head around to look for the other person that was supposed to be falling into the deep end with him. He sighed in irritation when he saw that Sully was staring at the fucking arches of the walls and ceiling instead of paying attention and called out, [color=#dc143c]“Sully, he was talkin’ ta both’a us, tune in man.”[/color] [color=#c45508]“I was listenin’,”[/color] Sully defended as he took a few long strides to Decky’s side, waving at Andy in greeting. [color=#dc143c]“Repeat it, then.”[/color] [color=#c45508]“Somethin’ ‘bout juice and refreshments, were we supposed ta bring some?”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“No, and ya definitely weren’t payin’ any attention.”[/color] Sully shrugged. [color=#c45508]“Can’t blame a guy for tryin’. Hey dude,”[/color] He looked at Andy, finally addressing him with more than a wave. [color=#c45508]“Who does the restorations on this place? It’s some of the cleanest shit I’ve ever seen.”[/color] [color=#cb5a5a]“I don’t know, ask my dad. I thought it was like this when we bought it, but I don’t know… this is just the guest house, maybe they restored it? The main house is getting renovated,”[/color] He added that last part with a shrug and a somewhat apologetic look to Sully. He didn’t have an actual answer for the other boy, but his eyes lit up as he thought of something he [i]could[/i] tell Sully. Pointing at one of the pictures on the wall, Andy explained. [color=#cb5a5a]“But my mom did all the decorating. See? This is me, my dad, and E at a safari. We saw a giraffe, which was [i]pretty[/i] cool.”[/color] Alongside the hallways were pictures of the twins, their parents, and various groups of them. Andy gestured for the group to follow and started to head down the hallway, glancing over his shoulder to look at the other three boys. [color=#cb5a5a]“And if he asks, Amy Kwon is a perfect princess and I have the situation [i]completely[/i] under control.”[/color] Not true, but a prying father didn’t need to know. Sully shrugged at the lack of answer from Andy, having asked out of immediate interest more than anything deep, and slowly followed after the now leading Green, following his fingers and latching on to whichever painting or photo he spoke about with more engagement than Ethan would have seen in him all day. He liked having references when getting new information, it just made things easier, and Andy was providing him both with little effort. [color=#dc143c]“[i]Guest house?[/i] Christ,”[/color] Decky puffed out in shock, waiting to start moving until Sully and Ethan had. [color=#dc143c]“This place would take up a whole neighborhood block back home. Wait, what the hell does Amy Kwon have ta do with this?”[/color] [color=#cb5a5a]“[i]Welllllll[/i], I’m taking her to the party, Decky.”[/color] Andy couldn’t help but look over his shoulder and grin at the assembled boys. Whatever fears the masses had about Amy’s bad reputation, it seemed Andy either didn’t share them - or was too blinded by how pretty she was. [color=#cb5a5a]“Super cool, huh?”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“...”[/color] Decky stared silently into Andy’s eyes, a million different responses to him ranging from [i][color=#dc143c]she’s gonna eat ya alive[/color][/i] to an incredibly sarcastic [i][color=#dc143c]suuuuper cool, dude[/color][/i], but none seemed appropriate for the bright, excited grin on Andy’s face. Decky didn't know Amy too well, they had only the vague connection of having Rye and Helen between them. And while their close friends were also close, the same could not be said for those on either end of the friendships. He looked to his side a bit to stare at Ethan’s profile, trying to see if the other Green boy had an opinion on the matter. He noticed the not so subtle distaste and the quick cover up back into his neutral smile when Sully suddenly turned around and spoke up, saving Decky the trouble of forming a response to Andy. [color=#c45508]“That’s sick man, you like her?” [/color]Sully pulled a jolly rancher out of his pocket, unwrapping it and popping thw hard blue candy into his mouth. Then, distracted once more, or rather returning to the train of thought he was previously on, he pointed to one of the proudly displayed photos, [color=#c45508]“Is that you guys as babies?”[/color] Ethan Green didn’t like Amy Kwon. He knew her game and what she wanted to do. He loved his brother more though and if she was what made him happy, he would accept his brother’s blooming romance and wait until he was needed. He believed that would be sooner rather than later when Amy inevitably breaks Andy’s heart. Ethan didn’t know Amy, not like Helen and Toury did. He knew better than to judge a book by its cover. It was the rumor mill that got him concerned and that someone actively exposed Amy. True or not, that was not a web Ethan wanted his older brother to get caught in. To his own grief, Andy was a Green and Ethan knew he’d get involved because that’s just how they were. They all got involved in their own ways, even Diana with her art and love for love, leading the Candies to some meddlesome matchmaking antics. Celeste might not think she was involved but the fact that she can be heard over a crowd of thousands is her own way of getting involved. She was a Triple Crown and her actively ‘not getting involved’ is a stance on its own and will get noticed. Ethan had his Elite and Levi had the Hive. Andy though? Andy was a wallflower and didn’t have any reason to fly toward the sun, risking getting burned by it. His crush on Amy, however, changes everything and soon he’d be attached to the Tantalizing Trio, whether he liked it or not. Soon someone would actively try to throw him into the rumor mill. It came with the territory of being famous and let’s be real, Amy was famous. Everyone knew her name. Deciding to take Sully’s cue, no matter how unintentional his redirect was, Ethan laughed, [color=#cba55a]“Yeah, you wouldn’t believe it when you see it but I’m the smaller one that looks like he’s going to cry. The other baby, that is soothing me, that’s Andy.” [/color]There was a moment of reflection as Ethan looked at the picture. Before the zoo incident, they would’ve seen Andy with confidence, with direction and with an eagerness that couldn’t be contained. Ethan looked up to his brother as he thought about how things were and how things are. Even now, even if Andy was less in control and hardly at peace with himself, the younger twin looked up to him. None of that mattered right now! What mattered was the vineyard and securing it for his party. [color=#cba55a]“Okay boys, we can always sight see after the talk. Do you want anything? You can head to dad’s mancave with Andy and I can fix something up in the kitchen. Unless you want dad’s snacks and drinks, then he got the hook up downstairs. Just say the word and it’ll be provided. Want an espresso martini? You got it, dude. An Italian sub? Hell yeah, I could eat. Something simple? Crackers and cheese? Easy.” [/color]The more Ethan talked about food, the more hungry he got. It’s been awhile since he and his bro had food. Clearly, he was ready to eat again. [color=#cba55a]“Now what’s it going to be?” [/color] [color=#c45508]“You got coffee?”[/color] Sully asked once Ethan had completed his explanation and offers, ever reliant on the energizing substance regardless of the time of day. [color=#cba55a]“Yeah, sure thing,” [/color]Ethan replied, choosing to accompany the boys until they got to the door that led to the basement. Then he’d head toward the kitchen and fix Sully up some coffee. Decky’s stomach twisted at the thought of any food. It may change once he smokes a little or finally has a good hit, but as it is he's as close to sober as he's been in he doesn't know how long and there was nothing appealing about the thought. He could already feel his stomach cramping and the occasional chill wracking his body, and the thought of taking something in right now just to throw it up later when the withdrawals sunk their razor sharp teeth deeper into his body was sickening. None of this stopped him from observing Ethan as he explained the photo to Sully, the rich boy's mind somewhere else as his eyes were locked onto the photo of him and his brother as babies. There was a lot said from that single lingering gaze, and likely it wouldn't have been so obvious if Decky himself weren't his own brother's keeper, or if he hadn't been paying so much attention to Ethan in the first place. There was a lot of love in that gaze, and plenty of happiness and nostalgia. But there, just before he changed his line of sight from the photo to the two boys he'd bought the time of, there was pain and loss in equal measures. There was a brother who saw both paths that his brother could have gone down, and had decided to shadow him on whichever he ended up taking to make sure he had the best go of it. Decky's seen that look in the mirror ever since they survived Gravette and came to Beverly Hills, ever since little Danny had started flourishing and letting his genius show. Decky may hate most everything about the ritz and glam of the area they found their new lives in, but he could never regret what it was doing for Danny. When Sully and Andy both started making their way to the Green father's den, Decky shoved his hands deep in his pockets and did his best to change his scowl into something softer, though he's unsure if it worked. He waited until the other two of the quartet had gotten further down the long hall before he addressed the boy of equal height. [color=#dc143c]“You're a good brother, man,”[/color] He said without any emotion, glancing sideways for a brief moment of eye contact before he looked at the backs of the other two boys and took a step forward while ignoring the ache in his muscles. [color=#dc143c]“If ya got concerns, we'll look after him when we're around,”[/color] another glance at Sully wandering back over to the walls and getting distracted by the detailing of the baseboards, he let out a sigh and began to make his way after him. [color=#dc143c]“Or at least I will.”[/color] [color=#cba55a]“Thanks,” [/color]Ethan answered, trailing behind and matching his pace with the gearhead. [color=#cba55a]“As worried as I am,” [/color]he began, speaking honestly and low enough for only Decky’s ears to hear.[color=#cba55a] “I would much rather him learn now, while we’re still in school. I have full faith he can take care of himself, he just needs to believe he can.” [/color]The Elite member stopped in his tracks, at the door that led to the basement, where his father was waiting. Andy and Sully continued onward, idly chatting, likely thinking Decky and Ethan were close behind. Ethan turned to look at Decky; his thumbs hooked in his pockets. [color=#cba55a]“I should be thanking you two though. You could’ve said no but here you are indulging in my stupidity. And I know I’m being stupid. Our party could be held here if we really wanted it to but there’s something about the vineyard, and the fact that it’s off limits, that makes me want to throw it there more. Stupid, right?”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“People always want what they ain't s’ppose ta have, Gre- Ethan, it's human nature,”[/color] Decky responded, fumbling over his tongue as he realized it wouldn't make much sense for him to be calling both the twins Green while in the presence of a third Green, especially if he's supposed to be Andy's friend. He thought about Nicky's earlier comment on Decky's use of last names for everyone outside his friends and while he didn't agree with the gamer's assessment that last names were only for sports teams, he did agree that at the very least he could start calling a few people by their first name. So long as he's open enough to getting to know them more, of course, he wouldn't just go calling everyone by their given names as if they held any lasting place in his memory or life. [color=#dc143c]“Not stupid, you're just bein’ a normal person, nothin’ wrong with that. And hey,”[/color] He paused for a moment, wondering if he should say the next bit since he wasn't sure about it, and deciding if Ethan was willing to be more open and honest with him, then the least Decky could do is respond in kind. [color=#dc143c]“I don't know if this is any help, but Rye's good friends an’ shit with Helen Wells, and he don't tend ta stick around people that ain't worth it, or that don't have good hearts. Somethin’ tells me that shit with Kwon ain't what it seems, just like everythin’ and everyone else in that fuckin’ school. I mean dude, ya brought me in ta your house and I'm a literal convicted criminal and drug addict.”[/color] [color=#cba55a]“You right, you right, and I owe it to Andy to give his maybe future girl the benefit of the doubt, but man, she’s going to eat my brother alive,” [/color]Ethan grimaced; Andy and Sully no longer in view. It was hard to not think the rumors were true because it revealed Amy’s character, who she was in the dark, or at least it was manipulated to the point that it made an extremely convincing argument. Ethan wasn’t going to think about that. It was just going to ruin the vibes. He needed to lock the fuck in and focus on the task at hand. The vineyard. [color=#cba55a]“Alright homeboy, go work your magic and convince my dad you’re cool. He’s a simple guy. If he offers a joint, take it and smoke.” [/color] [color=#dc143c]“Well, least I wasn't the first one ta say it out loud,”[/color] Decky responded to Ethan's ‘eaten alive’ comment before giving him a careless salute and following down after the already disappeared Sully and Andy, leaving the Elite leader alone upstairs. Whilst the other two had their private conversation, Andy and Sully walked together down the halls of the home, with Andy providing context on whichever picture Sully commented on. Despite the boys calling it a ‘guest house,’ the twins' mother had done their best to make it feel like a home. Eventually, they found their way to a staircase, with Andy speaking as they stepped down them. [color=#cb5a5a]“I hope he’s not playing without us, dude.”[/color] The stairwell was wide, and perhaps a few feet deeper than one explained, but it was lucky for Sully that Andy was there to add the exposition. [color=#cb5a5a]“So, when my parents bought this property - it’s a fifteen acre lot, there was just this house. The basement used to be like, a wine cellar I think… but dad had it expanded! Anyway, they’re building the [i]actual[/i] house… but it won’t be done for a while. That’s why all of our family photos and stuff are in here.”[/color] Andy shrugged as he spoke with the cadence of someone who had said this spiel a hundred times before, and put his hand on the knob to a door at the end of the staircase. [color=#cb5a5a]“I guess I’m rambling. But you sounded interested in the pictures!”[/color] Andy justified his chatter about his home’s origins, and threw open the door. The basement [i]was[/i] huge in a ‘cavernous’ way, with one of the four walls lined with arcade cabinets, pinball machines, and one skee ball machine tucked into the corner. The opposite wall held framed art, mostly of anime characters, a glass container that held figures, some of which were big enough to be clearly visible even from this distance. Under the art, there were shelves stocked with bottles of different liquors and a wooden bar equipped and ready for a full service. Past the bar was something a little out of place at first, probably the strangest thing in the room: a single, full-size bowling lane was tucked into the wall. Andy gave a sweeping gesture to Sully, and ultimately pointed at the back wall, with a large black leather couch in front of a huge TV hanging on a wall and flanked by massive speakers, with a [url=https://i.imgur.com/kPwyMzD.png][color=#1155cc]man[/color][/url] splayed across it. [color=#cb5a5a]“DAD! We’re here.”[/color] Upon hearing the door open, Henry Green sat up. Upon hearing his son’s voice though, he hopped to his feet and spun around to look back at the two teens on the scene, a still lit blunt in one of his hands. [color=#b57f13]“What’s up, dudes?”[/color] He quickly closed the gap between himself and the other two boys, then held out a hand toward Sully. [color=#b57f13]“Yo. I’m Henry. Welcome to my humble abode, [i]mi casa [/i]is [i]su casa[/i].”[/color] Sully had been interested, so Andy needn’t have justified his explanation, but the taller boy didn’t seem to actually be worried about his amount of talking so Sully simply nodded to him instead of interrupting. As he reached the bottom of the stairs with him and took in the basement, his face lit up at the arcade games and layout, a small smile finally breaking his blank features. When Henry Green came over and introduced himself, Sully didn’t waste the manners that his ma instilled him with and he quickly clasped the man’s hand with his own and gave him a firm and steady handshake. [color=#c45508]“Thank you for havin’ us sir,”[/color] He replied, trying to maintain his gaze on the patriarch but unable to keep it from wandering to all the visual stimulation around them. His wandering gaze also had him realizing that Decky and Ethan had yet to follow him down, so he amended his previous statement. [color=#c45508]“Or just me, I guess. This basement is awesome.”[/color] [color=#b57f13]“Dude, don’t call me ‘sir.’ Henry is cool. I miiiight accept a Hank if you guys hang out here often enough.” [/color]He lifted the doobie he held between his fingers to his lips and drew from it. He held the smoke in his mouth and looked between the two younger boys with a quick glance. He blew the smoke out as he spoke, [color=#b57f13]“don’t tell my wife I’m down here burning flower. She’d hit me with a shovel,”[/color] he explained, with an offhanded gesture toward the anime figures in the case. If Alicia heard about the smoke being blown in the game room, Henry would have heard it not just because of ‘smoke residue’ on the figures, but on more than one of the original arcade cabinets they had. That was a big deal! Apparently. [color=#b57f13]“Hey, kid. Do you know the lyrics to Enter Sandman?”[/color] Henry asked as he met eyes with Sully. After Henry asked the question, Andy did his absolute damndest to subtly motion that Sully should agree. It was not subtle, and Henry shot Sully a look before launching into an unasked for explanation. [color=#b57f13]“My son here, he doesn’t appreciate my singing. Usually, when we play Rock Band, my wife sings - she was in choir in high school. I wasn’t! BUT, I’ve been singing damn near half the setlist in the car since before you were born.”[/color] Henry groaned, but ultimately relented. [color=#b57f13]“Do you like to sing, dude? You wanna play vocals in Rock Band? Andy told me the only way Decky — helluva name, your other bro — would play is if we let him play drums, since then he can hit something.”[/color] [color=#c45508]“He’s actually a good singer, I’ve heard him singin’ to music in the garage when he thought the break room door was closed,”[/color] Sully responded, but didn’t deny that Decky would be more willing to play along if he could get some aggression out. He, just like Henry, had seen Andy’s imploring look and simply tilted his head back at the other boy once the father had stopped talking and wondered if this was the conversation he’d missed earlier upstairs. Was he supposed to be the one singing? [color=#dc143c]“Well now I know ta lock your ass in the room if I want some privacy,”[/color] Came Decky’s voice from the last few steps of the staircase, followed soon by his actual appearance into the basement, an unhappy scowl on his face at the discovery of Sully’s knowledge. Deciding the other boy already had his chance to answer the Green twin’s father, Decky crossed his arms and answered for him. [color=#dc143c]“I ain’t the one with girls fawnin’ all over videos of me if I so much as hum a chord, so Sully’s your man if ya want vocals.”[/color] [color=#c45508]“That doesn’t mean I [i]sing[/i], dude,”[/color] Sully argued with little care, turning to the other gearhead with a confused frown. [color=#c45508]“I don’t even know what my singin’ voice sounds like.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Looks like it's time ta find out, then,”[/color] Decky bitched back before adressing Henry’s earlier comment about his name. [color=#dc143c]“By the way, it’s a nickname my brother gave me before he could pronounce my full name, but it’s the only one I go by.”[/color] It was informative for the man that didn’t know him, but it was also a warning not to use his birth name even if Henry already knew it. Decky wouldn’t respond to it in any positive manner, and he had a feeling that from what Ethan had already told him about Henry Green, the man would understand to leave well enough alone. [color=#dc143c]“Also, I’ve played real drums but I’ve never played this game, would it translate?”[/color] Henry walked as Decky and Sully talked, and he couldn’t help but grin. It reminded him of the way he had talked with his friends, when he’d been younger. If this was the kind of people his son was hanging out with, then Henry felt like he could relax and let things take their own course. Andy was a little soft at times, and Henry knew that was partially his fault - but knowing that didn’t mean he magically had an answer for it. This was good though! A good start for Andy. By the time Decky posed his question, Henry was already holding drum sticks. He spun on his heel and instead of answering, he pointed a drumstick at Andy for an answer. Andy looked momentarily alarmed and then looked down at the guitar controller that hung from around his neck and then quickly shook his head, [color=#cb5a5a]“what? No, no way. This is hard. Ethan is better than me at this.”[/color] Decky grimaced and held his hand out for the drumsticks. [color=#dc143c]“Great.”[/color] The door to the stairs entrance creaked open and there were light steps heading down the stairs. Slow and steady wins the race. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdDe_MAMPGc][color=#1155cc]Whistling[/color][/url] like Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop, thanks mom, Ethan inched closer to his destination. He was going at a snail’s pace, which was unusual for him. There was a reason for that and it would soon be revealed. Almost a minute later, the youngest son of Henry Green found himself off the stairs and in the basement. The tune came to a close and he breathed out in relief. In his hands, held with a tight grip, was a serving tray. Ethan cautiously moved to the bar. On it was a sterling silver coffee pot, a sugar bowl, a cream pitcher, a shot of espresso, a small cup of 2% milk, a small cup of oat milk, a couple of packets of Splenda, two mugs (just in case Decky wanted coffee too), a micro spoon on a dainty plate, cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, ginger, vanilla extract, some chocolate, whipped cream, and a couple of biscottis. He forgot to ask Sully how he liked his coffee and from what he knew of coffee, especially from his girls, there were many ways to make it and plenty to add in. All he really liked was a shot of espresso and occasionally a chai latte on the side with it. Coffee could be complicated so he kept it simple. He was a simple boy. He didn’t need much. [color=#cba55a]“If you want liquor, like Kahlúa or rum, my dad has some here. I filled this tray up as much as I could. Didn’t know how you liked your coffee.” [/color]Once he placed the tray on the bar, having held his breath from the bottom of the stairs to the bar, he breathed out again. He succeeded without clumsily dropping everything. Success! Turning on his heel, Ethan faced his father, his brother and two friends, yes you too Decky, and he grinned, [color=#cba55a]“I can sing!” [/color]He couldn’t. While he could keep a whistling tune, once he sang, he couldn’t stay serious and always made funny voices. His favorite was acting like he was a demon from hell, growling and poorly attempting to do screamo. He wasn’t good at it. At all. His family knew better than to let Ethan sing. Decky and Sully both stared at the serving tray with wide eyes, neither even able to take in just how much the rich boy had loaded onto it without their focus jumping from one addition to the other like a bad game of pinball. When Ethan offered to sing, Decky’s attention split away from the tray while Sully moved towards it slowly like it would bite him if he made the wrong move. Decky didn't believe Ethan for a second that he could sing, if only because he’s never heard so much as a roaming whisper in the school hallways about it. Ethan didn’t seem the type to hide his talents, see: his sports career. To top that off, if the shorter Green twin could sing, Andy wouldn’t have asked Decky and Sully ahead of time to take the bullet. [color=#dc143c]“What, ya don’t wanna see Sully switch in ta his Entertainer persona?”[/color] Decky goaded, knowing that the way Sully acted on screen and camera versus the way he acted when they were off was forever intriguing to much of the BH student body. [color=#c45508]“It ain’t like I’m a whole other person,”[/color] Sully called back from the coffee tray, his eyes having found his targets and most of his focus going into not losing sight of them. He took the espresso and dumped it into his black coffee before doing the same thing he’d done this morning and taking the smallest amount of sugar and a splash of cream and mixing his coffee together. It didn’t even change color. Perfect. He drank half of it in one go before continuing. [color=#c45508]“It’s just more like I used to be. Like rewindin’ time.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Yeah, but it does throw people off.”[/color] Sully shrugged. [color=#c45508]“People shouldn’t be so easily surprised or entertained, but I guess that’s why I have a followin’ that pays the bills,”[/color] He tilted his head at Ethan while Decky rolled his eyes at him. [color=#c45508]“Did you wanna sing? I don’t wanna take your spot or nothin’.”[/color] [color=#b57f13]“Sully sings.”[/color] Henry spoke as he looked up from his phone and over to Ethan. [color=#b57f13]“I wanna see the entertainer thing. Sounds cool.”[/color] He shrugged. [color=#c45508]“I [i]hum[/i],”[/color] Sully stressed once more, his objection falling on deaf ears. Henry scoffed. [color=#b57f13]“Yeah, so does Hetfield. You’ll be fine.”[/color] [color=#cba55a]“Jesus, that’s how you like your coffee?” [/color]Ethan’s mind was not keeping up with the rock band conversation. He was fixated on Sully’s black coffee of death. He really should’ve just asked him how he liked his coffee. Never judge a book by its cover, that’s for sure. Now he knows for future sleepovers. There was nothing fruity about Sully! Black coffee was probably like a shot of espresso anyways. He just didn’t realize Sully liked his coffee like that. [color=#cba55a]“Okay, okay. The Music King is here,” [/color]Ethan announced, with conviction, grabbing a plastic guitar and putting it on him. [color=#cba55a]“We’re going to play a whole set list and then when we’re done, we’re going to watch a movie. Dad has an arsenal of good movies, it’s going to be great! I made sure to have the guest rooms prepared last night.” [/color] [color=#c45508]“What’s wrong with my coffee?”[/color] Sully asked defensively, having already been teased about it by Rye this morning. [color=#dc143c]“Guest room?”[/color] Decky asked with a frown as he twirled the drumsticks with shaky fingers. [color=#dc143c]“Why?”[/color] [color=#cba55a]“Whaddya mean why?” [/color]Ethan raised an eyebrow, legitimately confused at Decky’s question. [color=#cba55a]“And Sully, my man, nothing is wrong with your coffee. I just didn’t expect it, is all.” [/color]Damn. These two asked too many questions. What were they? The fuzz? [color=#cba55a]“Nevermind that. Places boys. It’s time to rock.” [/color]Not waiting for anyone, the youngest Green started the song and swayed his head to the music, all the while making glances at his brother to: ask the fucking question. [color=#dc143c]“Whaddya mean what do I mean?”[/color] Decky volleyed back while his attention got drawn to the screen, the row with his little drum set logo already rushing notes forward for him to hit. He may have never played the game, but it didn’t exactly take a hard thinker to figure it out; yellow note, hit the yellow drum pad, wait for the next one, repeat. That is, until it changed pace and suddenly the screen was requiring a lot more of his attention, pulling it away from Ethan. [color=#dc143c]“Who just brings up their guest rooms? And a whole setlist and movie? What time am I s’possed ta be gettin’ home tonight?”[/color] [color=#c45508]“I still have to drive home from the garage too,”[/color] Sully piped up, the vocals yet to come on screen. He turned to look at Ethan, head tilted in question. [color=#c45508]“I have to be at Oli’s early for us to get ready together for the dance. I think we’re recording a Get Ready With Me or somethin’ for my channel.”[/color] [color=#b57f13]“You don’t have to stay the night if you don’t want to! But you could. Chef makes killer waffles, you guys like waffles?”[/color] Henry had now kicked his feet up onto the couch and was resting as he watched his sons and their friends play games. Did he have somewhere better to be, or something better to do? Maybe so, but at the moment… it was all about the vibes. [color=#cb5a5a]“Dad can we party at grandma Eve’s vineyard? Uh, just me and E and these two. And Amy.”[/color] Henry grinned. [color=#b57f13]“And there it is. See? I knew there was no way you guys were doing all this for nothing! You think I never pulled the ‘sibling asks instead’ card, E? Cyndi used to do this shit for me all the time!”[/color] He sat up and shook his head as the music continued to fill the room, [color=#b57f13]“That’s what? Five people? There are more than five people here every Saturday! The entourage is bigger than five, why you lyin’?”[/color] He rolled his eyes, before eventually giving a serious answer. [color=#b57f13]“I don’t care, just don’t burn nothin’ down.”[/color] [i][color=#dc143c]Did they even need us?[/color][/i] Decky thought as he tried to get back on beat after he fumbled upon realizing the Greens had planned a fucking [i]sleepover[/i]. Decky doesn’t plan to sleep at other people’s houses, he just usually ends up passing out there from either exhaustion, drugs, alcohol, or a combination of the three. Having one planned seemed so…childish? Innocent. Something like that. It was a cute, if weird, sentiment from the rich boy considering how close they all actually [i]weren’t[/i], especially considering the fact that their dad didn’t even seem to need much convincing on the matter that was the entire reason the two working class boys were here. He glared at the screen and hit the pads a little harder than necessary. [color=#dc143c]“I got a little brother ta get home ta, he won’t put his damn book down ‘til sunrise if I’m not there,”[/color] He finally answered around the one minute mark of the song. [color=#c45508]“I’m just goin’ home to an empty house so I don’t really care,”[/color] Sully answered, eyes not leaving the screen as he waited for the vocals to begin. He tilted his head and fiddled with the brim of his cap. [color=#c45508]“But I guess if you’re gonna be droppin’ Decky back off then there ain’t any point in havin’ to do it again in the mornin’ for me to get my truck, y’know? I don’t wanna put you guys ou-”[/color] The lyrics hit the line on the screen and Sully cut his sentence off, starting the song without missing a beat. [color=#c45508]“♪ Say your prayers, little one, don’t forget my son, to include everyoooone~♪”[/color] Sully was no longer in the sleepover conversation, his attention now on the screen despite the fact that he knew the lyrics already. Andy seemed pretty excited to have someone that wasn’t his father or brother singing, and the Greens have been really nice so far so he wanted the other boy to enjoy the game as much as possible, which included actually trying to sing well. He didn’t know if he was actually a good singer, but hopefully he was better than Henry and Ethan. Sully did sing well but by then the vibes were off and Ethan was missing more keys than he was used to. He was glad his dad was down to letting them use the vineyard but now he was upset that neither Decky or Sully wanted to stay over and watch movies with him. He didn’t say anything in response but it was visible that he was getting angry at himself the more he fucked up in the game. If he kept messing up that would certainly lead to a broken guitar, which isn’t uncommon in this household. He just wanted to hang out with his new friends but that was too much of an ask. Was he really that awful to hangout with? [color=#b57f13]“Just bring the kid brother, dude. Who cares? Kids would kill to hang out here. Ethan, take a chill pill, bro. Ain’t many of those guitars left, y’know?”[/color] Henry sat up as he talked, the song having come to an end and the results up on screen. [color=#b57f13]“What garage is he at? I’ll send someone over there. But, Decky, dude… You gotta get into it man, you know what I mean? Like this.” [/color]Henry mimed headbanging along to the beat of the song, flailing his arms as if he were playing the drums. How did he end up with two dudes who didn’t know how to have fun? Luckily, there had never been a better place to learn. [color=#b57f13]“You got that long ass hair, bro. Put it to use.”[/color] The thought of moving his head the way Henry just did sent a spike of nausea straight to his stomach, and he did his best not to look like he’d sucked on a sour lemon at the feeling. When he responded to Henry, the tone was completely flat despite the fact that it was intended to be sarcastic. He didn’t know what had Ethan upset, but his father had clocked it so it must not be out of the norm for the Elite boy. [color=#dc143c]“Oh yeah, just call up Dom’s Garage and tell my Uncle Hershey ta have ‘im ready and waitin’ with our bag’a spare clothes, have him grab an extra set’a mine for Sully,”[/color] He looked at the adult in the room with a raised eyebrow and pointed to the screen. [color=#dc143c]“I got the second highest score? What does headbangin’ gotta do with it?”[/color] [color=#b57f13]“Life ain’t about the [i]score[/i], it’s about the vibes, my friend! The energy. Dude, are you even stoned? For fuck’s sake, I sent A up with two fatties for you guys, I figured you smoked ‘em on the way down. Hold on, dude.”[/color] Henry stood up and stalked over to the bar, which he disappeared behind, and Andy looked between Sully and Decky. [color=#cb5a5a]“Sorry my dad’s weird.”[/color] He’d never really had anyone over to say that to before, but it felt accurate. A few seconds later, Henry emerged from behind the bar with a [url=https://i.imgur.com/jN9P2Rk.png][color=#1155cc]device[/color][/url], and sat it down on the bar. [color=#b57f13]“Come here, dude.”[/color] He said, gesturing for Decky. [color=#b57f13]“Come hit [i]this[/i] shit.”[/color] The song concluded, right on cue, and Ethan looked over to his father, brother and friends. His dad was right, he did need to chill, but at the same time Ethan didn’t want Sully or Decky to go home so early. He contemplated something for a moment before signaling to his dad, silently, that he’d pick up Danny. It would be better if Decky’s little bro didn’t have a random stranger arrive. Stranger danger and all that. If his father and brother kept these two distracted, Ethan could discreetly come and go without them noticing he was gone for too long, especially if they got stoned out of their mind. Taking off the guitar, leaning it on the entertainment center, Ethan grinned,[color=#cba55a] “You too, Sully. Relax a bit. Get to know my dad! He’s a cool dude.” [/color]Backpedaling to the stairs, Ethan made his spidey escape and lied, [color=#cba55a]“gotta’ take a dump. Be back!”[/color] And just as quick as he came, Ethan was gone, on a mission to pick up Danny Boaz so that he can have his goddamn sleepover. [color=#dc143c]“What the fuck is [i]that[/i]?”[/color] Decky asked, looking askance at the foreign object the Green patriarch had brought out, setting the drumsticks down as Ethan left and slowly making his way over to Henry, grabbing Sully by the scruff and dragging the boy with him so he didn’t have to be the only one learning something new. Sully stumbled for only a moment before following along easily, smacking lightly at Decky’s hand to have him release his grip on his collar. [color=#c45508]“I’m comin’ dude,”[/color] Sully protested and Decky released him easily, and stopped on principal just to see the look the taller boy gave him before turning his attention back to Andy to address his previous comment. [color=#c45508]“If you think your dad’s weird then you don’t even wanna meet my uncle.”[/color] He tilted his head to the Green boy to show he wasn’t just walking away from him like he has a habit of doing, and then made his way over to the counter with Decky. It was then that he finally took in what was sitting there, and his eyes lit up in interest. Ever curious, he asked, [color=#c45508]“Nah he was right, what the hell is that thing? How’s it work?”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/color]