Lady Norinthall [hr] "Excuse me?" Raella liked to think, she was fairly observant, but this sassy little druid had made the mistake of well, sassing her. Raella frowned, with a little chuckle of disbelief. "No, I live in a manor in Sigil. Maybe I need to introduce myself. Ahem," Raella ran a hand through her hair, flipping it in a totally cool fashion. "Raella Norinthall, of House Norinthall. One of the oldest and should I say, feared and respected noble houses in Sigil. Though I suppose a leaf-eating discount elf like you that spends more time rolling around in the mud like some rabid animal probably doesn't understand what that means or who that is, so I'll tell you." As Raella spoke, right behind the druid a large squid like tentacle would pop up from the ground, shimmering into existence and make an attempt to grab the Halfling by its ankles. "It means, you should tell me exactly what I asked before I decide to feed you to whatever fish lives in that lake. Got it?" [hr] Roll for perception to notice Tanrith and the others: [url=]Nat 1[/url] Roll for grapple: [url=]9[/url] Oof my low rolls.