[@Dyelli Beybi] [@Tesserach] [@Half Pint] [i][color=0054a6][h1] [center]Helmut Peter Spielzeugmann [/center][/h1][/color][/i] He woke up to the sound of his alarm on his phone going off. Helmut stumbled, sitting up in his bed. He had a deep desire to go back to sleep but couldn’t go back to sleep. Checking his phone, not being surprised that he had no new emails. He checked the various dating sites and grimaced when he saw no new matches or messages. Putting his phone away before getting ready and doing his morning routine. While preparing, he listened to his favourite [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI6bA8eSYag]song[/url]. He didn’t know what he was doing today; he could start work on one of his many art projects. But perhaps he could do that later in the evening. For now, he wanted to go to the standard room to work on some sketching. He was overthinking many things, which made him quite anxious. Grabbing his, which had his pencils and sketchbook, heading out of his room. Sitting down on one of the many crusty chairs, not caring that he could be sitting on unsavoury stains. He took out his sketchbook and one of the pencils and sketched the common area, including the students living there. He sketched some students putting up posters, not noticing that one of his toys was inside his backpack. The toy itself was a Raggedy Andy doll. He had this doll since he was three years old, and it would be surprising because of how well-kept it was. Stopping for a moment to get something to drink. He closed his sketchbook and placed it into his backpack, surprised to see the Raggedy Andy doll in his backpack. He was walking over to the vending machines beside the people putting up the poster. Picking an energy drink before going back to the couch. Having not noticed, he was now sitting near a group of people. Drinking his energy drink while people watching.