Alright so, first off, time was at a premium for a while here. Some things you can't help, you know. Unfortunately what I did spend an inordinate amount of time on was a reevaluation of the in-game calendar. I know I said I didn't see the point in tampering with it further, but I couldn't help but fixate on it as of late and so wound up wanting for better than a season paired with a dreadfully basic day counter. So it started with wanting to change the name of every day in the week, but I soon came to realize that not only were my attempts at substitutes terrible enough for me to give up, but that said attempts would have been pointless in the end anyway. So much of our lives are tied to the days of the week that it'll likely end up being far too annoying for players to make "new" associations just for this RP. Month names were what I ultimately took a stab at, but before I tell you them, I'll need to give you some background. The rudimentary idea of a single annual day separated from the more evenly divisible 364 days of the year was actually something I lifted from a concept I came across some time ago: the [url=]International Fixed Calendar[/url]. With just one standalone day and an extra month, I got myself complete uniformity across all months and years (standard leap year terms may apply). The biggest drawback for me however was that 13 months [b][i]cannot[/i][/b] be spread across four seasons evenly (no matter how hard you try). Now, can even that bit of annoyance be overlooked in the end? I don't know. Maybe? I'll have to consider how I feel about it some more before I rewrite anything I have on the calendar section. For now though, I could list out the month names I've settled on. 1. Nokta 4. Nenoh 7. Reor 10. Lalao 13. Mikkatia 2. Irvesi 5. Onshin 8. Vanou 11. Ragal 3. Ojoth 6. Uishi 9. Solka 12. Depala I'm sure you'll get the trick I used right away. The point is to get across that this is indeed its own world with its own cultures, as it really didn't sit right with me to stick with RL months. It really came down to preference, but I also understand if anyone feels names like these don't fit that well with what you expect from PMD. Suggestions are always welcome, but I thought I might as well put it out there. And as a way of a bonus, here's a shield [url=][img][/img][/url] for similar items in your inventories. Took longer than the sword sprite, but in the end, I'm happy that it communicates what I want. See you guys later.