[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4yMMFgZ.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hathforth, The College of Hathforth, Headmaster’s Office[/color][/h2] [@Izurich] [hr] Soon enough, Mèlisande would find herself at the door to the headmaster's office. At a simple press, she would find it open willingly. Inside was a spectacle for the eyes. The headmasters' office was filled with such an ornament of objects that one could become lost in exploring. Bookshelves were lined with old tomes. An alchemical table was set up to one side, simmering and bubbling with warmth and unknown potential. Spectral birds flitted across a false sky that made for the ceiling. And, at the far end of the office lay an old, impressive desk littered with papers. Some papers had even been enchanted to float around the old headmaster as he sat there, engrossed in a correspondence. Other oddments adorned his desk: a globe of the world, an emblem from the Wizard Queen to denote his station, and strange gems. As Mèlisande stepped forward, Caveus raised his head, the momentary gloom in his eyes replacing with joy. [b]“Ah, Mèlisande, please, come in, come in,” [/b]he waved her over to one of the seats in front of his desk. He leaned to the side, opening a drawer to pull out a small pouch. He opened it, pulling out a single sweet, before placing it in front of her. [b]“Hathforth's finest, have a try, my dear.”[/b] He said, a soft smile on his face as he popped one of the sweets into his own mouth. A pause, before he cleared a space in front of his desk, placing a ribboned parchment in front of Mèlisande. A seriousness was in his eyes. He gestured to the parchment. [b]“This came today for you, my dear. An excellent opportunity, especially for someone of your exceptional skill.”[/b] If Mèlisande were to open the parchment, she would find inside an invitation from none other than the Wizard Queen. Caveus cleared his throat, lacing his fingers on the desk. [b]“It’s an internship. Her Majesty believes you would be an excellent fit to shadow her Court Mage, Lord Blackthorne.”[/b] He held up a hand, as if to anticipate her next question.[b] “No, it won't affect your studies here. It would be supplemental. But… if you perform well there, you might secure yourself a most prestigious position within Her Majesty’s court, access to resources we could only dream of here.”[/b] There was a pause, before he gave a nod of his head. [b]“I understand your scholarship was originally through Lord Blackthrone, yes? Perhaps this is a good opportunity for you. You'll have access to one of the finest mages in Arrowfell.”[/b] Even as he spoke hopefully, there was a hint of worry in his voice. Caveus leaned back in his seat, staring at his student for a long moment, before he buried that worry, and addressed her again. [b]“Many of your fellow classmates will be quite jealous of your internship. Don't let it bother you, my dear.”[/b] He said, a wise smile pulling at his elderly features. He gestured to the letter. [b]“It mentioned you should report to the castle as soon as possible. You can decide when the right time is, my dear.”[/b] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/v2rsukY.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Odonfield, Duke of Rhinecliff's Estate[/color][/h2] [@ERode] [hr] The small noble girl blushed, receiving the duke's greeting on her hand. Temporarily flustered, she curtsied deeply, head bowed. [b]“Yes, Your Grace, the road was quiet, and the river didn't whisk me away.” [/b] She smiled at the Duke, taking in his form a little more closely. She had only met him a handful of times before her father's untimely passing, and had always felt there's was an ‘uncle's aura about him. His eyes were looking kindly down at her, despite her connection to the Queen. It was no wonder why the people loved him. His charisma could alight in something as simple as a look. Asteria's soft blue eyes graced the floor, her fingers fiddling with her dress, a tell something was at play in the back of her mind. Something… terrible. She was on business from the Queen. But what she was about to do. What she was about to enable… Did the good duke deserve it? Asteria's eyes narrowed, forcing a shield of apathy to cross her vision. She didn't have the luxury to doubt herself. She owed her peace and the peace of her House to the Queen. She wouldn't let the Queen down. She looked up at the Duke, making a show of vulnerability in her eyes. [b]“Your Grace, I've come to give you warning of the utmost importance. There's a thief going through the province, pilfering and stealing from noble households late in the night.”[/b] She stood a little taller, her small voice matching the plea in her eyes. [b]“Based on his pattern, your house will be targeted next. I would implore you to double the guard, and take care not to leave any valuables unguarded.”[/b] Asteria shuffled a bit on her feet, fiddling with her dress again. [b]“No one… No one knows what he looks like, just that he's especially good at taking trinkets and spitting in the faces of the nobles.”[/b] She gazed back up at the duke. [b]“You are dear to me, Your Grace, so I had to let you know in person. I hope I haven't alarmed you too much.”[/b] – Meanwhile, slipping through an unattended window, a young child dressed in a dark cloak snuck into the Rhinecliff estate. He moved down the hallway like a shadow, ducking out of sight just as servants came around the corner. A glimmer of a ring caught a flash of light as he stalked down another hallway, peering into every door. He had one goal, and one goal only: Find the treasury, and do it unseen. If it was at all possible, he'd do it, or die trying. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qv8ncAY.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/nxi4yjM.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hathforth Castle, Throne Room, The Hearthfire Gala[/color][/h2] [@Psyker Landshark], [@LunarParadox], [@Donut Look Now] [hr] With her hand still held, the Wizard Queen's head rolled to the side slightly, and she gave a curious look. [i]Mixed signals.[/i] The other courtiers and nobles, of course, had to stifle gasps, covering their mouths. The duke himself? Here? When everyone thought he wouldn't show, he had gone and surprised the entire hall. There was hope in their tones as they murmured amongst themselves. Was this a good sign? Would there finally be no disagreement between Odenfield and the Queen? [b]“You grace us with your presence, Duke of Rhinecliff. Does this mean you've finally come around?”[/b] The Wizard Queen said, her tone level, even. Her eyes glanced to the gift Vullian held, and with a gesture of her chin, he opened it. Inside was a ribboned package of cigars encased in crystal. She gazed a bit more closely - was that gold leaf she spotted? A short stream of air leaving her nose, the Wizard Queen picked up the crystalline container and held it up to the light. [b]“Exquisite. Truly, a gift fit for a queen, Duke Rhinecliff.” [/b]She said, her tone betraying no hint of her real emotions. She handed the cigars back to Vullian, before she gazed, her eyes half-lidded, across the floor, singling out one face in particular. Her hand raised, and she gestured for Lady Haliel to come to the throne. Her attention returned to the duke. [b]“I leave you in the hands of my trusted Lady Haliel. She will help you settle your accounts, and ascertain everything is in order.”[/b] [i]And see just where this generosity is coming from…[/i] She waited, allowing for the duke to take his leave of her so her lady could ‘ascertain’. Before she knew the eyes on her were waiting ever-so-patiently, and she turned her head, looking directly at her advisor and court mage, Lord Blackthorne. A gentle smile graced her features, her eyes twinkling. She had a surprise for her close advisor and friend. Her hand raised, and she beckoned Eirwen forward. She waited until he was near enough that she could speak in a moderate tone, warm notes in her voice. [b]“I know these galas tire you so, Lord Blackthorne. But I have news that may put the lightness back in your step.”[/b] Her head tilted, a thumb running across her bottom lip. “[b]Have you heard of Mèlisande Tearmoon? She's become quite prestigious at the College.”[/b] The Wizard Queen smiled, eyes watching her court mage carefully. [b]“I've asked her to become your new apprentice. I have great hopes that the both of you can push the boundaries of magic as we know it.”[/b]