[CENTER][h1][color=6ecff6]Aaliyah[/color][/h1][/CENTER] Aaliyah gave a smile in return at Lissandra's answer. When Lissandra leans in conspiratorially, Aaliyah leans in as well and after hearing about how portals quickly appear and disappear, she answered quietly and just as conspiratorially, "[color=6ecff6]Really?![/color]" She went back to normal standing as Lissandra finished her thoughts. Then Beigeiros appeared and greeted Lissandra. Aaliyah was silent as Lissandra introduced her to Beigeiros and Beigeiros to her in turn. During the introductions, Bruno flutters up to perch on Aaliyah's head. He then proceeds to puff out his feathers in an attempt to make himself and Aaliyah look bigger than Beigeiros. She greeted Beigeiros, "[color=6ecff6]It's nice to meet you, Beigeiros! I'm Aaliyah![/color]" Bruno gave a hoot, still puffing his feathers out and looking as intimidating as an owl can be, and Aaliyah speaks, "[color=6ecff6]Oh! And this is Bruno. Don't mind him, he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes,[/color]" She receives a good peck on her head for her last comment. Then a familiar voice and face appears! Aaliyah immediately recognized her as Mariel, the visitor who came to the Elemental Plane of Air and met with her Master, Ishaan. She watched as Mariel greets Lissandra and Beigeiros in turn. Then she turned and greeted her. Aaliyah greeted her happily, "[color=6ecff6]Mariel! It's good to see you again![/color]" She then answers her question, "[color=6ecff6]Actually, I'm here on his behalf. He sent me to figure out what happened to Tir Na Og,[/color]" Bruno seems to have stopped puffing out his feathers at Beigeiros and instead focused his attention on Mariel, and gave another hoot. Aaliyah chuckles and comments to Mariel, "[color=6ecff6]Oh! I decided to have Bruno in owl form this time. He can't make any comments when he's not a macaw,[/color]" She remembers that Mariel last saw Bruno as a macaw.