[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Hillside Hamlet[/h3][/center] Between the copious amount of firepower that the group was raining down from the skies and the way that the fighters were carving through enemies on the ground, it was not surprising in the least to the green-haired shrine maiden that the enemy numbers were rapidly thinned down from the horde that they initially appeared to be. Their strategy was by no means perfect, granted, though the few that did manage to slip through the cracks in their counterattack were promptly dealt with by Anne if nothing else. Things seemed to be going all right, at least until Sanae noticed—and promptly grazed past—a blob of dark energy that had felt uncannily similar to what she had felt earlier from the mishaguji that Suwako had summoned when they had first left for the capital. "...Curses?" she muttered to herself as Rayne, taking the initiative before anyone else could, charged off to go deal with the slimes that had shot them in the first place. Not like they were any threat, of course, but with gravity still being... Well, [i]gravity[/i], any shot that failed to meet it's mark could very well fall back to the ground, and who knew what sort of problems [i]that[/i] could lead to. If someone could break away and cause enough damage to stop them from being any issue, then all the better. It didn't take long after that for the torrent of enemies to finally die out. The largest among them had been the last, it seemed, though it [i]was[/i] rather strange that there didn't seem to be any sort of leader (obvious or otherwise) leading them here in the first place. With the matter settled, though, Sanae finally stopped launching her shrapnel-laden frog bullets and slowly floated back towards the caravan, which at this point had refocused from full-on retreat to simply fending off the few enemies that had trickled through the chaos. "Everything's all clear," she declared, waving her gohei in the air as she approached, "More or less, at least. The settlement's undamaged, but if you want to stop by for a moment, it'd probably be a good idea to stay away from... Uh... All the potholes we made in the process." Upon hearing that declaration of victory—and in such a short span of time—Syldon glanced at the others present before shrugging his shoulders and conveying the news to the others, mercenaries or otherwise, and getting to work getting them back on track. While [i]that[/i] matter was being settled, though, the two original defenders of the area shaved through the last of the enemies before turning their attention towards the pair of melee fighters that had first drawn their attention. The girl, of course, seemed far more chipper about the whole ordeal than the treant. "Thanks for the help! Honestly, your arrival was quite the boon; I think we would've been fine, but I can't say the same about the villagers there," the girl spoke first, stepping forward before giving a slight curtsy. "My name's Gwen; this is Maokai. He doesn't... [i]Like[/i] people much, though, so it'd probably be better if you let him be." At the hamlet itself, though, it seemed that all of the villagers—fearing the worst, as would be expected—had all gathered up in one of the central buildings of the area. Naturally, fear of that wave of unnatural monsters steadily marching upon them had kept them from doing much more than trying to get out there and fend for themselves, but with that threat settled, it seemed reasonable to expect a [i]few[/i] of them to exit and scope the situation out after the threat had passed. [@VitaVitaAR][@EchoWolff][@Izurich][@Lugubrious][@Drifting Pollen][@Raineh Daze][@DracoLunaris][@Rezod92]