Yep lol, gotta expand that market coverage so I put it up in both sections. [quote=@Xaltwind] Since this is taking place 150 years after the events of the canon series, will we be joining the same group of Magic Knights? Or have there been new ones formed/old ones that've disbanded? [/quote] I figured for fan familiarity's sake I'd just keep them the same 9 squadrons as seen in canon. Their reputations are roughly the same as well--Golden Dawn are the "elites," Crimson Lions and Silver Eagles are still run by the royal families, Green Mantis is all commoners, Blue Rose is almost all women, etc. The only differences are that [i]all[/i] squads are at least a [i]little[/i] more open to commoners than they were before, and the Black Bulls no longer have a negative reputation, but rather one of a "rough and tumble" crew, the foil and rival to the Golden Dawn. Instead of looking at them like thugs, people have a romantic notion of them as "loose cannons and free spirits living on the edge" now and admire them because of Asta, Yami, and the others' accomplishments. That said, I'm also open to suggestions, especially if it would build up a Player's character arc and stuff like that! :D