[@Xaltwind] Rather than being "secret and sneaky" about it (which is still a good idea lol) it'll just be based on what kinds of impressions the Players make on the captains. I have several of their NPC profiles finished already (though players won't be privy to them at first) and will be tweaking some others based on what kinds of Player Characters we get, so as to better meet halfway regarding plot, PC arcs, and so forth. So after the exam is over, the captains express their interest in the Players, and the Players get to choose from among whichever squads want them. Of course, if Players have a vested interest in a particular squad, it can definitely be worked on! I'm also going to try and have a fair amount of overlap between which squads are the most interested, so that we don't end up with any Players who are the only "real" person in a team full of NPCs. XD