Here's something for the heroes to chew on. [hider=Rogue Berserker] [center][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][img][/img][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/center] [b]True Name[/b] [indent]Nennius[/indent] [b]Region[/b] [indent]Britain[/indent] [b]Class[/b] [indent]Berserker[/indent] [b]Attribute[/b] [indent]Man[/indent] [b]Parameters[/b] [indent]STR: [b]A[/b] END: [b]A[/b] AGI: [b]B+[/b] MNA: [b]C[/b] LCK: [b]B[/b] [/indent] [b]Legend[/b] [indent]A prince of Britain who fought in the defensive war against Julius Caesar's invasion. Proud and strong, he personally met Caesar on the battlefield, and although the combat ability of that Roman leader overwhelmed him at first, he was able to catch the golden sword Crocea Mors when it was jammed through his shield and into his head. Despite the blade piercing his skull, Nennius didn't let it go. He stole the weapon that represented Caesar's victory, forcing the general to retreat while Nennius butchered Roman soldiers with his stolen sword. The shame of losing in such a manner haunted Caesar for the rest of his life, and even when Nennius died of his head wound half a month later, he was buried with Crocea Mors, never letting Caesar regain the pride he had lost in their battle.[/indent] [b]Class Skills[/b] [indent][b]Mad Enhancement C+:[/b] Madness owing to Berserker's wild slaughter of the Roman troops and influence from the odd state of his Noble Phantasm. His parameters aside from Luck and Mana have been ranked-up, but his communication and reasoning are heavily impaired. If he identifies an opponent as a Roman, those same parameters will receive a + correction for the battle, but his mind will be completely gone for that duration. [/indent] [b]Personal Skills[/b] [indent][b]Tarnished Gold B:[/b] Combat abilities used in his fight against Caesar, inflicting shame on that Roman that stayed with him even as a Heroic Spirit. With everything he had, Berserker aimed to show that Roman that his swordsmanship and his words were equally worthless. Those who fight against Berserker with elegance, beauty, refinement, or pride will receive heavy negative adjustments to their actions. Their shining grins and beloved martial techniques will surely vanish as they are dragged down into an unflattering struggle in the mud. A high aptitude to destroy poise and confidence without using one's words, while also protecting oneself from mental attacks through single-mindedness.[/indent] [indent][b]Legion Shattering B:[/b] A result of Berserker thoughtlessly butchering Romans in battle, leaving each man in his path decapitated or unable to move. It can be said that he will never be defeated by a foe who is lesser than him, no matter how many he may face at once. Even if he were swarmed by an army, each man would be killed with inhuman reflexes upon entering his reach. Berserker's fighting power rises when outnumbered, and he can use "Anti-Army" type Noble Phantasms with great effectiveness.[/indent] [indent][b]Battle Continuation A++:[/b] Berserker's strong vitality and willpower, allowing him to survive mortal wounds. Julius Caesar once stabbed through Berserker's shield and into his head, and Berserker kept his grip on life, holding onto the sword like a madman, using it to slaughter enemy troops, and not expiring from his wounds until fifteen days later. Effectiveness is further increased due to the state of his Noble Phantasm, making him a monster that will continue to move even if large sections of his body are blasted away. Since his internal organs are no longer present, stabbing him through the chest will be the same as stabbing him through the hand.[/indent] [b]Nynn Grasp[/b] [indent]Title: Avaricious Flesh Shield Rank: B NP Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Range: 0 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person Description: Stemming from the time Nennius stole Caesar's sword by embedding it in his shield, Berserker has access to a powerful ability capable of stealing opponent's armaments after receiving their attacks. Indeed, "a shield that takes hold of enemy weapons" is something Nennius would have access to as a Saber or Shielder. It is not so. A slight confusion has arisen since "Caeser stuck his sword into Nennius' shield" and "Caesar stuck his sword into Nennius' head" are two events that occurred in the same swing, and one way or another Nennius ended up with Crocea Mors afterwards. Thus, as a Berserker, it is Nennius's body itself which has become his "shield"--a manifestation of greed and willpower to humiliate his enemies. His skin gains hardness beyond even his armour, and his effectiveness rises in defensive situations due to being a "shield". Under that skin, where one would expect to find flesh, blood, bones, and organs, lies a uniform black ooze. This gel is normally what covers the front of Nennius' shield, entrapping weapons and stealing them away if they are not swiftly pulled out. It can be called a form of Self-Modification that activates when something pierces into Nennius' body. Anything, even Noble Phantasms, can theoretically be held within the body for integration or later use, becoming a possession of Nennius just as Caesar's golden sword once did. An unwilling target can attempt a Strength check to pull themselves or their possessions out of the ooze before Nennius completes the process of absorbing them. Swords, projectiles, vehicles... Beneath the skin, this man's body has become like an amoeba that absorbs all kinds of things, making them into the Berserker's possessions. It is capable of reforming itself at a moderate rate should it suffer damage. To ensure Nennius' death, complete annihilation is the best choice. Only by being present during his demise can a hero reclaim a lost armament.[/indent] [b]Crocea Mors[/b] [indent]Title: Bloodstained Yellow Death Rank: B+ NP Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1~60 Maximum Number of Targets: 600 people Description: A golden sword Nennius took in battle from Julius Caesar during Rome's invasion of Britain. It became stuck when Caesar stabbed him in the head, and he took hold of it, threw away his own weapon, and began cutting down Romans left and right. Once a brilliant gold armament of Rome, it has been stained to an unsightly red-copper shade in Nennius' hands. Its ability of "assured victory" has become twisted into "assured slaughter". Once Nennius draws this blade, fate dictates that all enemies in his sight will quickly find unceremonious deaths. Without the ability to defy fate, standing in his warpath is tantamount to suicide. For any hero hailing from Rome, this is doubly true--the shame of Caesar's loss will weigh down on their every action like an anvil, matted with viscera and hair. With the release of the true name, a torturous series of blows is unleashed, fated to strike true. The number of hits landed depends upon the Luck of the target. In all likelihood, Nennius' victim will end up being shredded to ribbons.[/indent] [/hider]