[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] Berserker gave his master a considering look as he spoke. Planning their route so as to avoid bringing civilians into their conflict spoke well of him, morally, but to do so at the cost of sending them to scout a location unlikely to result in anything further added to his concern that Shou was someone not used to war. That they had not established or found a location for a base of operations before summoning him was another sign of that. [color=007236]“The forest it is then.”[/color] They had delayed here long enough. Hang Jebat broke eye contact with his master and turned to walk away, keeping his pace slow enough that he was inviting Shou to walk with him, rather than leaving him behind. [color=007236]“I was not aware we didn’t yet have a base of operations; in that case we should hope not to encounter anyone and instead make that our priority.”[/color] The forest would work for now, since as Shou said it was unlikely anyone would be there, but at some point Berserker would like to take a closer look at this town that his master mentioned. If possible he would prefer setting up base closer to or even in an urban area rather than somewhere isolated since while that isolation would hide them, it would also make them stand out more while in transit to and from their base. [color=007236]”While we travel, could you inform me as to the resources we have available and what you are capable of, Master?”[/color] [@Iamme]