[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Open for Business[/b][/color] [/centre] Olvia comments on restraint and their powers struck deep into her heart, it had taken an so much so so much to resist what pulled at her in those first days, tested her sanity and lured her to take the easy route. To fall to the Blight entirely and forget her humanity. To forget everything and just let it be easy. Even now she had to actively keep a check on her Blight born instincts, the whispers that never went away. But those could be kept In check especially as the Inn allowed her to subtly feed and gather her needs without harming persons or them really noticing. It was a luxury and she knew it was a blessing. Sya just nodded to that, there were no answers needed and she felt the other woman truly understood her nature. Sunni was nice, but he never could understand her on such a level, to such a deep part of them that had been so changed by their rebirth. Olivia did not leave her much to say in reply but the comments describing her as a flower made Sya Blush and had not refused her hands touch. Even the Prince did not seem able to look her in the eye, he actively had been uncomfortable. This woman let her be freely herself, looked into the eye without flinching and held her hand softly. She sighed softly and it was first to be willing to even consider her in any kind of romantic fashion. She knew of Blightborn who did… things and engaged in certain activities, degrading in exchange for shelter or coin. Sya had stayed as far away from them as possible and actively avoided those dark dark places. Sya just nodded to that, there was no answers needed and she felt the other woman truly understood her nature. [color=a2d39c]"We can watch out for each other, and keep each other safe."[/color] Sya said with an firm voice and maybe a little hope, Sya had an impulsive idea but resisted it. A friend, a friend was something she greatly valued. Sya did not want to just be protected, but she could try and help her friend out too. When they moved into business, business that she could manage and knew more about. practical matters did need to be worked out and clarified. [color=a2d39c]“When I can check my Ledgers, I can calculate a long term price, based on your needs and those of your coachmen”[/color] She said smoothly, she would have to check the costs and the exact rates that would apply. [color=a2d39c]“I could put strong men to work, we have plenty of work to run an Inn”[/color] Sya said cheerfully, the coachman as long as they were trustworthy could be reliable workers. [color=a2d39c]“My main rule is not to bring trouble to my door, pretty easy.”[/color] Sya said cheerfully as she found self moving close to the woman. That Kiss, such a small gesture to some but it meant so much, she had trusted Oliva and took one huge chance to do that. Sya had risked everything and put it all down on the table. Everything changed with that kiss and they both knew it. Seeing her so carefully and deliberately act, it must have meant alot to her, no passing fancy or minor thing. She allowed her hand to be lifted without resistance, the act as Oliva kissed her hand alone, nothing more but even that sent strong feelings almost like lightning striking the ground as she placed her lips against Sya's skin in an intimate act. Sya has not had such an act since before her turning was the last time, and even that was a stable boy she had found handsome that felt forever ago. The question Olvia Asked was a curious one, about the nights here? The days? The sun had not risen for months, you could tell the time but it was shades of greys and blacks. However, who could call them normal? The second part made her blush, it was a commitment and one said with such a voice that it was a vow of a kind, Blight Born had no real church or law courts, no real formal structure. Your word was your bond. Sya took that bond and sealed it. [color=a2d39c]“This …is close as day gets, it's maybe noon Olivia, but it grows colder with winter's bite. You soon learn to see its…changes and subtle signs.”[/color] Sya was Resting against her now, her voice was so soft and light only she would ever hear it. No one else would hear Sya, not man or beast. The kiss had cut her reply before and scrambled her mind's concentration, what she did want was to know what more of Oliva felt like, how she felt curled against her and how it felt not to be alone in the world. Sya spoke soft as before barely raising her voice or pitch above feelings like to do so would shatter the moment they shared. [color=a2d39c]“Where I am from, Intent means far more than any legal words or papers like the so called civilised lands, If you mean so, please hold so.”[/color] Sya was more form a grip on Olvias hand underpinning how such promises mattered greatly to her, though a little also of her cynical view of the two kingdoms and what their promises and treaty had been worth to her people leaked through. Though she softened once more. [color=a2d39c]“You might find me in your bed if you keep talking so sweetly and acting so temptingly..”[/color] Sya said with a side of cheeky flirty confidence that slowly slipped out of a place that had long thought it was lost and never to emerge. This was a glimpse of the older Sya, the Sya that had lived before the blight. The Sya that was so deeply buried, but also the one that would die a second death if betrayed. Her free hand reached up and ever so tenderly like the finest most fragile thing in the world curled her fingers though the white hair of Olivia, feeling how it was so starkly coloured yet so soft, and ran down over the tips of her ears where the elfen points where. Sya fingers and hands were rougher from her life and time before but her touch and intent were soft as the finest silk. Tracing the line of her jaw, the form of her neck and a hint of strength that lurked beneath as she traced lower, treating her as the most valuable thing in the world. Looking Olivia directly in her red eyes without fear or flinching Sya saw how the red glowed almost with a sense of power, and she recognised the same that caused her own to faintly shine blue In the darkness. Sya had moved while she had the other woman's attention and sat directly on her lap, one hand interlocked into Olivias and the second was resting on her Back. No words were needed and the shorter Inn keeper could match the other woman's height perfectly. [color=a2d39c]“Can we stay while, I have so much to do, but… this feels right… hold me and i'll answer your questions.”[/color] Sya said cutely and closed that big blue eye so full of intent and A little tear shed but one not of sadness. She moved again to kiss her, to hold her, just to feel the willing and entirely freely given warmth and companionship of another. Sya blightborn instinct was not caring that she had to check on the bar, her instinct had overridden her mind and she just wanted Olivia right this second. Sya took what she wanted. [@amorphical]