[b]Abisu[/b] [quote=@Demencia]Ava raised her hands defensively at the slander thrown towards her controller. "Please, I don't need a phob for this party." she said, reaching forward and unplugging it. "You could hand me the shittiest third party Mad Catz ass controller and I'd still beat anyone here." She wrapped the cord of her controller back around it and tucked it away in the case. She leaned forward and grabbed a generic GameCube controller. "Now where's the copium?"[/quote] Abisu's attention was drawn away from the kegs by the new arrivals. "You know..." Abisu slid back down from the back of the couch and spun to the coffee table, covered as it were with lighters, plastic baggies, a large paper bag and a large, lit bong. He began rummaging through the paper bag, while clearing a space for a controller or console on the table. "I think I have those." Eventually he produced a small plastic ziplock bag containing a set of small blue pills. "Copium." Lying back he turned towards the tv and console then to Sterling. "You know, I'll play but I don't really have 'money.' You take weed?"