[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/k4FDSGt/Add-a-heading-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] ____________________________ Eye of the beholder [quote]Sya just nodded to that, there was no answers needed and she felt the other woman truly understood her nature. [color=a2d39c]"We can watch out for each other, and keep each other safe."[/color] Sya said with an firm voice and maybe a little hope, Sya had an impulsive idea but resisted it. A friend, a friend was something she greatly valued. Sya did not want to just be protected, but she could try and help her friend out too. [/quote] Safe... A word so long disassociated from the pale woman now being used so freely felt, like she might wake from the nightmare of her life. Lost in the fresh new possibilities the single word implied. Certain a word her own people had used to describe the nightmare in the red keep. Her rule while fair was one that gave birth to the peoples fear and that fear was what she fed on night after night. Growing cold as she donned the mantel of monster, demon, and death to her people. In this singular moment the white haired woman felt that heavy mantel slip from her weary shoulders. Lost to her flight of fantasy she failed to heed the words mentioned of cost, coachmen, or trouble instead smiling completely smitten for some time and nodding to the syllables. To this news Olivia was surprised. She had lived her life after the turn in darkness. So much so that her cycles of hiding from the light had become second nature and now there was no need? Normally the dark creature would have been very skeptical about such a bold statement. The training of her father would have demanded she investigate the information at once! Yet... the nightmare was caught up in a whirlwind of those tiny bats beneath her very pale skin. [quote][color=39b54a]“You might find me in your bed if you keep talking so sweetly and acting so temptingly..”[/color] [/quote] How freely she thought the way commoners confessed without trappings or decorum they expressed their intentions so boldly it made the monster hesitate out of surprise, it would last a mere tick between seconds as she, the creature of nightmares let her icy exterior melt like the snow in spring. The bashful smile played one the woman's visage as she looked at her Sya with a deep longing. Letting her new friend trace her own lines with the warm soft fingertip. [color=a187be]"Would that be so bad?"[/color] Her own voice a sultry whisper. [color=a187be]"The nights are so long..."[/color] Tilting her face away to let the tavern keeper see the soft contours of her milk colored neck and how the lines connected to other, more intimate curves. Where she a normal woman Olivia was certain she would have felt a shiver up her spine at such an intimate moment, instead she sat there like a statue of marble in adoration of the beautiful Sya's attentions. Leaving the creature feeling like a creation of art receiving the final brush strokes from the master indulging their latest work of passion. Her ruby eyes casting shy glances at the blue jewel and the features below the heavenly gaze. In the moment the nightmare faded and the dawn of her life seemed just over the horizon. Whatever dream this was she begged the gods silently to never let Olivia wake. The pale lady forced herself to breath through slightly parted lips still moist from her Sya's affection. For the first time in a long, long time, the nightmare didnt think of feeding, or any dark misgivings. There was a warmth quickly spreading from her chest outward, not from heat, but born of desire. A quiet whisper Olivia replied, [color=a187be]"No more questions..."[/color] She sighed as the dark monster encircled her prey with both arms and tenderly pulling her friend Sya to her own figure. When the new found friend so boldly placed her very life in her hands and in her lap she swooned like never before. Allowing her to gently, slowly lean in to every kiss, summitted to every embrace, and shared in ever tenderness. As close as two could become.... Even as the lady lay there, her arms never fully releasing Olivia's friend as if their distance would break the dreamscape she found herself in. Loving kisses to the warm skin of Sya's neck as she cuddled in the afterglow. The monster felt the soft whisper of the pit from within, pleading for a taste. Holding onto her friend Olivia told it no in her mind. Never! This would be the one thing she would keep pure! Free from her hunger, no matter how tempted, or so very close... Oliva would feel her eyes roll and her lungs expand taking in the scent of her meal. So easy it would be to just, the ruby eyes flashed open as she quickly regained control. The pit howled in her mind for food, to slowly drink deep the life that lingered in the arms of the monster. With a silent quiver of her lips she flinched denying that part of her the satisfaction of a easy meal. Denied its feast, the darkness within her growled. Burying her face in the earthen brown hair she tried to hide from the nightmare that was herself. The dark hunger that clawed at her even now in her beautiful dream. Trying her best to protect the few remaining bats that still flew in her chest from the hungry endless void. Eventually she would have to rise, to dress, and go about the town. Donning the mantel of lady, seeing to the reasons she had traveled so far to the newly formed realm. Yet in the arms of Sya she wanted to live out her life, to just be a simple woman lost in the moment forever, end of times, come what may. The ruby eyes looking over every facet of the rare beauty in her bed with smitten affections. Choosing selfish desire Olivia stayed in the bed refusing to move for as long as she could fighting her inner demon and the threats it so quietly whispered to the pale woman's soul. The very selfish Olivia sighed quietly as the monster embraced her lover so tenderly. Mention: [@PrinceAlexus]