[hider=CS][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]Albie Finch[color=2e2c2c].[/color][/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][hider=Appearance][img]https://easy-peasy.ai/cdn-cgi/image/quality=80,format=auto,width=700/https://fdczvxmwwjwpwbeeqcth.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/images/caeb5d87-f1f5-417b-83e7-09c4a9a08bcc/92901a01-59be-4450-9fa2-a5c422e54e48.png[/img][/hider] [i][sub]| 17 |176 cm /75 kg| Male |[/sub] It's called good enough for a reason."[/i] [sup][b]PERSONALITY:[/b] | While Albie is willing to experiment with his magic, he is isn't that diligent when it comes to physical activity. In fact while not to the point of completely ignoring his duties he prefers to do as little as possible. He can overcome his laziness if the situation is important enough but his low stamina will still limit him. Albie is pretty smart but he does better when he has a clear plan and can freeze when caught by surprise or when having to improvise. He has a sarcastic but not mean spirited sense of humor and tends to make bad jokes when nervous. [b]MAGIC:[/b] | Arrow Magic: Albie is able to shape his mana into arrows. While it's possible to give these arrows extra effects for the most part he either increases their raw power or their numbers. | [b]SPELLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SPELL LIST][list][*]Mana Arrow - Offense - The most basic spell in Albie's grimoire. This allows Albie to form an arrow made of mana in his hand which he can throw with the range, speed and accuracy of a regular arrow. [*]Spinning Mana Arrow - Offense - While this simply adds a spinning effect to his arrow, it increases the piercing power behind it. While the mana cost is the same as for the regular version the casting time is a bit longer. [*]Manifold Missiles - Offense - For this spell the arrows don't appear in the user's hand. Instead multiple arrows appear around the caster and launch through their own power. Both the range and power of each is weaker than the basic mana arrow. At the moment Albie can summon six missiles with one spell. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]ABILITIES & SKILLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SKILL LIST][list][*][url=https://blackclover.fandom.com/wiki/Magic_Bullet]Magic Bullet[/url] - Albie has a natural affinity to this grimoire-less spell, which he attributes to it being similar in concept to his personal magic. Magic Bullet is easier and faster to use than Albie's Arrow Magic but is weaker and has considerably less range and can be used only one at a time. [*]Cooking - While not restaurant quality Albie, having grown up on a farm, knows how to cook basic simple meals, which is useful when setting up camp. [*]Hunting - To supplement their income/food plenty of peasants sometimes hunt small game and the Finch's were no exception. Albie is a decent hunter, helped tremendously by his magic skills. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]GOALS & FEARS:[/b] | His main goal is to not have to take over the family farm, becoming a Magic Knight seems like a good way to do that. Finding a nice girl to marry and make enough money to retire young, while being able to support his parents would also be nice but he sees that more as an extra. | | Albie's magic is solely long ranged and predominantly offensive. He is fully aware that if someone can close the gap and gets within melee distance he is practically helpless.| [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]Albie was the second and youngest child of a family of farmers, while it was clear he loved his family it was just obvious that he hated working on the farm and only did the bare minimum to complete his chores. In an attempt to improve his work-ethics his parents made the well meaning but wrong decision of giving him more and more jobs, which only increased his dislike. When he got his grimoire his parents hoped that Albie would get some kind of magic that would help out on the farm, like the rest of his family, instead he got Arrow Magic. At first they were disappointed but Albie actually worked had on improving his magic skills, often shooting at improvised targets until he was out of mana. After a year and a half of showing he was serious about improving his Arrow Magic his father suggested that Albie try out for the Magic Knights and Albie despite knowing it would be hard work, just different from farm work agreed.[/cell][/row][/table] [/hider]