hi!! i found myself fairly interested in this rp and i have a first draft for a character ready. would love to hear anyones thoughts/criticisms on any part of her, but especially the spells that she has. i want to make sure theyre explained well, and that they dont cover too broad of a scope somehow [hider=parin] [table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]Parin[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Kia[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://safebooru.org//samples/3627/sample_3820bca4884699458941458b642f75aae970e31c.jpg?3786855[/img] [hider=bonus pics] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZFDGkum.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/acpXJig.jpeg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [i][sub]| 16 | 157cm / 46kg | Female |[/sub] "Put some money on it. Alright, how much you bettin'? ...you're serious? [b]That's it!?[/b] Put it all on the table!"[/i] [hr] [sup][b]PERSONALITY:[/b] | Parin is cheerful and charismatic. She holds sympathy for people in similar spots to her, such as the poor or those who have suffered grave losses. While she has an easygoing exterior, on the inside she's secretly judging the other person. Not in a mean way, more that she's gauging their character and deciding her next moves based off of that. She doesn't let herself get too comfortable or feel safe very easily. If someone were to ask about her personal matters, they'd meet a wall. However, given enough time and they're shown Parin's blinding sense of loyalty. Once someone passes her tests, she's with them for life, and she would give them any sort of service they need. She loves to tease no matter her familiarity with the other party. She has thick skin. She wants to eat the rich for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She may seem outwardly greedy, especially due to her eagerness to squeeze as much money as she possibly can out of every situation, but it comes out of love for the orphanage. It's her way of giving back and servicing them. Parin is also great at masking her emotions, thanks to living a life of trickery and conniving. She naturally has a loud voice. Work smart, not hard, these are a few words that she lives by. | [b]MAGIC:[/b] | Water Magic - One of the four basic elements-- a magic which allows the user to generate and take control over water. | [b]SPELLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SPELL LIST][list][*]Water Walking - Supplementary - [name] focuses a steady stream of mana to her feet, which create a thin layer of water magic separating her feet from the ground. On solid ground, this masks her footsteps. This spell grants her the ability to walk on water, although it takes an increased (and fluctuating) amount of mana. At her current level she cannot use this spell to walk more than 5 feet across a body of water without having to take a swim. [*]Healing Water - Healing - Parin has to first make contact with another living creature. Then, she uses her control of water to redirect the person's mana towards it's natural defenses -- she uses the water within the body to guide the mana. This takes a disproportionate amount of mana from her compared to how much it can heal. Part of that is due to her own lack of knowledge about the flow of mana within the human body. At her current level, she's too inefficient with how much water magic she's using, how much effort she moves it with, etc. As a result, she's limited to "healing" the area that she's touching (i.e. she cannot influence the flow of mana in someone's left wrist if shes touching their right thigh. she has to be touching the spot she wants to influence). General knowledge over the body's healing processes would help with the effectiveness of this ability, as it opens up more ways to help the body. In regards to wounds, she currently has the ability to relieve soreness and stop small, shallow cuts from bleeding. She can really only do one spot at a time without exhausting herself. If a body part isn't wounded, and simply has strain from use, she can use this spell to provide relief and return the body part back to equilibrium. She can't heal herself. She's never tried, and she doesn't bother to learn. (for now) [/list][/hider] [sup][b]ABILITIES & SKILLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SKILL LIST][list][*]Stealth - She's abnormally sneaky. It started off creeping out of view of Hari to grab an extra cookie (or 5). Then, she became expertly making her way out of the door. [b]BLAH BLAH STEALTH sorry i need to do research on how i wanna describe her this looks rlly ugly rn [/b] [*]Thievery - Parin is an excellent thief, especially for her age. Walking past her too slowly on the street could lead to your wallet getting snatched. Her skills come from constant testing, trying to scrounge whatever profits she can to give back to her orphanage. [b]BLAH BLAH idk maybe more details[/b] [*]Agility - She naturally moves around alot. She has a knack for [b]idk describe her brand of agility :/ BLAH BLAHHHHHHHHHH[/b] [/list][/hider] [sup][b]GOALS & FEARS:[/b] | She wants to earn enough of a fortune to buy Hari a really, [i]really[/i] big house. Besides that, consistently giving back to the orphanage in some way is what keeps her going. In general, though, she'd probably feel fulfilled if she could provide meaningful support for anyone. | | She feels lost, and honestly doesn't care much for her own well-being. "Providing" for the orphanage is one of the few things that gives her drive, a goal, focus in life. She doesn't know what to do for herself, or what she wants. She doesn't even consider herself as someone who deserves to have [i]anyone [/i]care about what she wants. Her parents wouldn't have abandoned her otherwise. In her mind, any action has to be framed as benefitting someone else, or else she just doesn't have any drive to go about it. She has a fear of abandonment. And of her actions catching up to her; she's escaped so many of her escapades off dumb luck that she feels it's a matter of time. Nonetheless, whatever danger she puts herself in doesn't matter if it's for something as important to her as the orphanage. | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell][b]P[/b]arin hails from a long lineage of adventurers (rather, thrillseekers and treasure hunters). The Kia family has been said to have stolen some of the world’s most priceless gems, afterwards pawning them off to whoever’s willing to give up their prettiest penny. This, of course, is among other tales —like of the “countless demons” slain by her great-great grandfather with his use of light magic. Or others which detail her great-great-great grandmother’s pioneering when it comes to the applications of plant magic. She’s never been proud of her family, not even for a second. It’s not because [i]they [/i]or [i]she [/i]did anything—she’s simply never been able to. The Kia family, while once said to have a large, sprawling family tree, had undeniably been dwindling down in the recent years. This culminated into the last true surviving member of it being her mother. By the time of Parin’s birth, the legends of her family were nothing more than a distant memory. Despite that, her mother had still inherited the Kia family’s undying desire for adventure. As a result, she and her lover (Parin’s father) decided to go on their last adventure together, making a promise to themselves to come back for their daughter. They entrusted Parin to one of her mother’s closest friends. The friend in question just so happened to be in charge of an orphanage, which was the place where Parin was raised. They have yet to be heard from. Parin’s mother’s friend, Hari, has long since made the decision to never tell the girl her family's history unless she’d asked. Only the elderly would know her Kia name now, and even then there’d be little reason for them to bat an eye. Hari gladly risked being hated for hiding the truth if it meant Parin would be able to grow up free of any burdens. Although Parin would eventually at [i]least [/i]find out what her parents are doing (and their most likely tragic fate), the truth about her family's "legacy" never mattered to her. She’d been in the orphanage practically since birth, so it’s all she knows. The other orphans didn’t have parents either, so it became something to bond over rather than a struggle. They felt united by what they didn’t have. The orphanage was a rough place to grow up, to be sure. It wasn’t in the richest area already, and having one (middle-aging) woman be the primary caregiver meant the orphans often had to just make do with what they had. But they would work together. The eldest of them would pick up chores such as cleaning or laundry, so that Hari could focus on being there and interacting with the children while she wasn’t trying to provide for them. Parin, having spent her whole life with Hari, always had a deep desire to help her. She noticed Hari’s worst struggles always happened to deal with money. So, she thought of ways to help out with the money, even as a young child. She started off as a typical beggar, and it would serve her well until she hit her preteen years. The older she got; the less people looked her way. She had no other choice but to stop trying to get other people to help her. She had to help herself. Stealing was the next step. When Parin was around 11 or 12 was when she’d begun practicing her sleight of hand. Even if she fumbled or ended up otherwise getting caught trying to snatch someone’s moneypouch, she would simply run away. The people didn’t tie it back to the orphanage because she never stole too close to the orphanage, and she was an orphan child in a large realm. Nobody knew who she was anyways. She always wore a cloak to hide her appearance, and she'd switch them out so as to keep people off her trail. Along with that, she'd always take atleast one day off before heading back out. Her constant trial and error lead to her learning her area like the back of her hand; she’d needed to if she wanted an edge up on the adults. Hari would always show suspicion and dismay, especially when Parin had especially good days/nights out, but Parin never paid it any mind. She was always careful enough not to get too caught up, and only became more careful as she grew older. And either way, the kids needed the money more. They always did. When it was time to receive her grimoire, Parin didn’t really care. It was Hari who was ecstatic. She couldn’t wait to see what Parin would have, what magic she would develop and how she’d use it. Parin had seen other orphans gain some crazy magic in her days, and they had all immediately changed their lives and become Magic Knights. Parin knew that even if she did somehow end up taking that same path, she’d always have the end goal of giving back to the orphanage in mind. After recieving her grimoire, and discovering that her affinity lied with water magic, it was Hari who had urged Parin to become a Magic Knight. For if she were a Magic Knight, she’d able to take jobs for money and do good deeds for others (which, Parin thought, lead to money aswell). Hari didn't tell her, but her main reason was wanting Parin to have a chance to find herself and do something for her own sake for once. Not for Hari, and not for the kids. Either way she began training and studying her magic immediately. It was what Hari wanted, so it was urgent. Even though she wants to become a Magic Knight, she still holds her value of supporting the orphanage above everything else. So, she’s still stealing. And lying. And swindling! It’s for the kids, you know. [/cell][/row][/table] [/hider]