[@Duthguy]First with Sword magic, now Arrow magic--all we need is someone to apply with Axe magic and we'll have the Fellowship over here! XD His image is borked at the moment, at least for me. The effects and drawbacks of his magic all seem good, I'm assuming that as he advances the idea is to add things like homing arrows or explosive arrows, and increasing the general numbers/power? Backstory and other bits look good, so I feel confident approving him! [@imia]Hi, welcome aboard! The first thing that jumps out to me reading over your CS is the emphasis put on her family history. I don't know if you intended any reference to canon characters in her ancestry or anything, but since Light magic is known as rare, powerful, and also has associations with the Clover Royals, did you have some sort of plan regarding her ancestry aside from their status as treasure hunters? If so, it's something that needs to be hashed out before I can approve the CS--for big reveals and whatnot, feel free to send me a PM. As for her spells and skills, I know these are a work in progress so most of my feedback is just suggestions, not requirements. You've also got room for one more spell if you want it. I'll go piece by piece: [hider=Parin Feedback][list][*]Water Walking - I'm more concerned with the stretch it takes to tie this in with her stealth abilities than I am with her actually walking on water. I feel like someone sneaking around with their feet coated in water would sound like someone walk-slapping around in flippers, or would leave soggy footprints. Maybe instead of making it sound-oriented, make it more about mobility? Using a water current to "slide" around or a small number of "floating puddles/bubbles" to use as footholds in the air? [*]Healing Water - This one feels a little more needlessly complex than it has to be. Elemental healing spells in canon don't seem to worry so much about the biology of it as just the nature of the magic--Healing magic is more limited in Black Clover than elsewhere, as people still seem to regularly fall ill/die of what we'd think would be preventable cause, and they can only rarely, in a best case scenario, reattach limbs or treat severe maiming without scars. Maybe just say she has to coat the "affected area" in her water in order to diagnose/fix the issue, and while she's focusing on that she can't cast other spells, heal anything outside of what her water covers, etc? I'm imagining her sort of holding a mass of water/bubbles in her hands, and sweeping it over someone's body to try and find where she needs to heal. [*]Stealth - Again, there's not much need to over-explain it. Her backstory establishes that she started stealing to make up for the orphanage's poverty, so it's expected she'd somehow learn skills to do that. Leaving it at, "It started with pilfering an extra cookie, then sneaking out without being seen, and ended up at dodging between shadows," would be fine by me. [*]Thievery - While I still advocate keeping it simple, I also want to point out she probably shouldn't be an expert thief or anything given she's only had about 4 years to practice with no mentorship or tools available to her. Aside from pickpocketing and maybe jimmying some basic locks, I wouldn't treat this as infallible. And this is a bit of a warning, just so you know--the usual "Chaotic D&D Rogue" kind of shenanigans would likely be a fast track to getting kicked out of the Magic Knights. She would need to only use her abilities for good or be [i]very[/i] careful. [*]Agility - This is also where I'd point back to her magic helping her out. While she might've practiced things like running, jumping, climbing, and maybe even a backflip as a rambunctious kid running around an orphanage in the Common Realm, if you're having trouble describing how she does it or how she learned it, think about how she could improve her natural movements with her water magic.[/list][/hider] I think this will be a good application once you've got it a little more ironed out, so just let me know if there's anything I could do to help!