[quote=@Zeroth] Well, none of the canon characters, and none of their immediate descendants (kids, grandkids, great-great-grandkids, etc) are alive/relevant. Even if their family lines are out there, we're just gonna say this generation doesn't quite have as much "red thread of fate" woven into them. So there won't be much in the way of direct references. You might get spoiled on certain "concepts" of the series, but I think by and large any actual plot elements would be safe. The entire point of a few plot-related references is that it's been long enough people are getting stuff wrong and making their own interpretations--like, taking that line that says "The three leaves are faith, hope, and love. The fourth is luck, but within the fifth lies the Devil." and twisting it to say "The Anti-Magic King had a five leaf grimoire and he wasn't evil, so it's cool if we start a devil worshipping cult right?" The manga's gone to a quarterly schedule, but is near the end of what seems to be the final arc. Even so, I tried to set things up in such a way so that aside from the general assumption that shonens are gonna shonen, I don't ruin the series for anyone. [/quote] I see, thanks. I'm not so much worried about being spoiled on the series, as I am with being able to keep up with the RP with somewhat limited knowledge of the series canon. At the moment I'm tentatively interested, so we'll see if I can come up with a character.