Flicker had been keeping to themself after the group's impromptu drinking contest. The whole situation had been weird, but they doubted they could explain why succinctly to any of their traveling companions. Not without sounding crazy, anyway. So, they'd mostly just avoided talking about it... or talking at all, for that matter. They did hope however that once they were in Zephyr and things weren't so hectic, they'd have a moment to talk with the more religious members of the party. Various existential thoughts had been bubbling around in their mind for a while, probably as far back as their encounter with Nanna May, and while they could easily just write a letter to their old order, getting a reply would take some time. Besides, Flicker had stopped living with the Order for a reason. They respected the monks and thankful for what they had done for them, but their philosophies just never quite worked for Flicker. Maybe the fire genasi just didn't 'get' it. [color=f7941d][i]Maybe I'm just stupid in general,[/i][/color] Flicker thought to themself as they traveled, not for the first time in their life and definitely not going to be the last. Before they could finish that thought, the party stumbled across some sort of... shop(?) in the middle of nowhere, manned by someone Flicker immediately felt they shouldn't trust. After all, wasn't there some proverb about 'fiends bearing gifts'? [color=f7941d]"And who might your master be, exactly?"[/color] Flicker asked, not moving to take anything from the imp until they got an answer.