[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210514/189728ef9f5e26e29946443e0dfe6cb3.png[/img][/center] The next morning, Conner did not sleep well at all. He was plagued with nightmares. Voices whispered doubts into his head, and he was mocked by the image of his perfect sister, and all of his friends laughing at him for his failures, especially David. He awoke, drenched in sweat, and he felt more exhausted than when he had gone to bed. When he came downstairs, he found his friends already gathered in the common area of the Inn. The innkeeper had prepared a hearty breakfast for them. As they ate, the companions entered the room, their expressions serious yet encouraging. The boys quickly finished their meal, sensing that something important was about to be discussed. Chesi was the first to speak. [color=blue]“Good morning, everyone. I hope you managed to get some rest.”[/color] She glanced at Conner, noting his tired appearance, but chose not to comment. [color=blue]“We have much to discuss.”[/color] Denali spoke next. [color=fdc68a]“It is time you understood the full scope of your mission. You’re arrival has been foretold. You are the chosen ones of an ancient prophecy, brought here to save Arcanum from a growing darkness that threatens to consume our world.”[/color] Then Vlinderbelle fluttered forward. [color=c4df9b]“This darkness is not just a physical entity but a corrupting force that can twist and warp both creatures and environments. Its influence has been spreading, and if left unchecked, it will engulf everything. Including your home world.”[/color] Fenghaung spoke next. [color=orange]“Each of you have been granted powers connected to the elemental forces of this world. These powers are not just for combat; they are a reflection of your inner strengths and virtues. You must learn to harness them fully if you are to stand a chance against The Darkness.”[/color] Conner felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, and spoke up. [color=deepskyblue]“But why us? We’re just a group of friends. Why would we be chosen to do this over anyone else”[/color] At this point, Reyenne hopped onto the table. [color=92278f]“The magic of Arcanum is ancient and wise. It sees potential in each of you that you may not yet see in yourselves. You were also chosen for the bond that you share. It is said that friendship is the strongest magic there is. Personally, I think that’s a load of…”[/color] Before she could finish that thought, a loud frog-like croaking noise came out instead. Reyenne shut her mouth, horrified such a sound had come out of her. Chesi laughed at her fellow former sorcerer before continuing. [color=blue]“Your mission is to gather the six elemental crystals scattered across Arcanum. These crystals hold immense power and will be crucial in your final confrontation with The Darkness. Each crystal is guarded by formidable challenges, and you will need to work together to overcome them.”[/color] Fenghuang nodded. [color=orange]“Remember, this journey will test you in ways you cannot yet imagine. It’s not just about defeating monsters or solving puzzles. It’s about growing into the heroes you are meant to be.”[/color] [color=c4df9b]“Luckily for all of you, you won’t have to do it alone. You’ll have us to guide you!”[/color] Vlinderbelle added. Conner looked at all of his friends, to hear what they had to say.