[CENTER][h2][color=00a99d]Cascade[/color][/h2][/CENTER] Cascade had been eager to lead the party to Zephyr, and as she led the way, she eagerly spoke with the party. It seems like she spoke with Aura the most, if nobody else chimed in. However, her cheer does dampen with the noticeable chill in the air. She shudders as she comments, "[color=00a99d]That's weird, Brah...It's not normally this cold...[/color]" She easily points out the hill and informs the party trying to regain her cheer, "[color=00a99d]Ah! Zephyr's just behind that hill! We're almost there![/color]" However, that cheer disappears when a certain demonic being makes itself known. Now, as a paladin, she is intuitively aware that demons are not good creatures. However, this one is not attacking? Instead it was offering warm clothes for her, her friends, and for her Ohana in Zephyr? She listens to Flicker and Aura as they spoke up and voiced their doubts. She remembers hearing about Nanna May back at that tavern from the party, which makes their doubts understandable to the paladin. Still...Cascade stands conflicted. One could see her expression resemble one that a confused golden retriever might have as she thinks over the situation and debating with herself between accepting the gifts and not accepting them. They would help Zephyr, but...would they somehow doom them? If there was only a way to tell... Thankfully for Cascade, Deep Sashelas seems to have been watching over her, because a small memory comes back to the forefront of her mind, like driftwood on the vast sea of her thoughts. She mutters in realization, "[color=00a99d]I'm overthinking this![/color]" She then clasps her holy symbol and channels the divinity into her senses. She is looking attentively at the clothes to see if there is any sort of demonic influence on them that could be corruptive or harmful to the people of Zephyr. But while doing so, she looks at the imp with the memory in mind once again, trying to discern anything familiar about that imp from that night. She asks warily, "[color=00a99d]Wait a minute...were you the one spying on us during that attack on the camp?[/color]" [hider=OOC]Cascade uses Divine Sense.[/hider]