[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tgbbhnFP/Elara.webp[/img][/center][Sub]Interactions: Sunni-[@The Savant][/sub][hr] [indent]As Sunni descended the staircase, his silhouette cut a stark figure against the backdrop of the inn’s disarray. Elara’s gaze, ever watchful, was inexorably drawn to him, her eyes tracing the tension that seemed to ripple across his frame. His expression was a vivid portrait of shock, eyes wide, reflecting the chaos that had unfolded in his absence. With swift strides, she observed as he plunged into the fray, his movements a blend of urgency and determination, as he sought to weave calm into the fabric of unrest. The patrons’ reactions, she noted, were a spectrum of human emotion—some vocal in their displeasure, their complaints a cacophony against the inn’s usual harmony, while others remained ensconced in their own worlds, seemingly untouched by the disruption. Sunni, the eye of the storm, navigated the tempest all the while with apologies and swift service, his efforts a clear testament to his commitment to the inn’s reputation. From her vantage point, Elara’s mind was a whir of contemplation, her instincts, sharpened by her royal service, alert to the nuances of the scene before her. She recognized the critical nature of timing, the importance of approaching Sunni with a tact that would soothe rather than strain his frayed nerves. She had, unintentionally, unsettled him once before after all. It was a moment that had already imprinted itself upon her memory, a subtle misstep in the intricate ballet of human interaction—a dance she often felt she was navigating with faltering steps. Her role as handmaiden demanded a veneer of unflappable grace, yet beneath that polished surface, she often wrestled with the tangled web of interpersonal dynamics. The fear of transgressing the unspoken rules that governed relationships often left her second-guessing her actions, her words. And so, when Sunni’s actions had shifted so markedly in her presence, Elara could not help but attribute it to her own doing. It seemed the only logical explanation—she must have been the catalyst, however unintentional, for his unease. As Sunni withdrew to the relative sanctuary behind the counter, Elara’s gaze remained fixed upon him, her thoughts momentarily adrift in the sea of his evident distress. His silhouette, once assured in front of his guests, seemed to falter, shoulders slumping as his fingers threaded through his hair—a gesture that spoke volumes in the silent language of stress. A language she was extremely familiar with. A realization dawned on her then. While the princess’s request was of importance, it was not so urgent that it could not wait. Sunni was already shouldering a heavy burden, and she had no desire to add to it. With a newfound resolve, she decided to depart, to allow him space and time to manage the immediate crisis. Yet, as Elara attempted to do just so, she was almost immediately thwarted by the very fate she sought to evade. Sunni’s perceptive gaze cut through the bustle, locking onto hers with an unintentional precision that unveiled her quiet retreat. In the brief communion of their eyes, a silent conversation passed—a mutual recognition of the moment’s weight. Her moonlit eyes retreated to the safety of her lap, where her fingers danced a quiet waltz of nervous anticipation. The inn’s ambient noise faded into a distant murmur as Sunni approached, his footsteps a measured cadence that seemed to beat in time with Elara’s own racing heart. His voice, when it finally broke the silence between them, was both profressional and warm, with a slight hint of understandable fatigue. [color=#a93226]“[/color][color=#a93226]Welcome to the eye of the beholder, do you need help with anything? We have a decent amount of drink items and food at the moment. My name is Sunni by the way.” [/color] Elara’s response was a gentle ascent from the depths of her apprehension. She lifted her gaze, allowing it to meet his once more, ignoring the urge to look away until she was done speaking. [color=#4169e1]“Thank you… Sunni,” [/color]she began softly, a small understanding smile managing to grace her lips. [color=#4169e1]“But I’m not here for anything particularly important, so there’s no rush on my behalf. Please… feel free to attend to your other duties.”[/color][/indent]