[img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b1/c1/e1/b1c1e141d4a3157a177ffeb93ec451e3.jpg[/img] [h2][b][color=00a651]Shou Iwata[/color][/b][/h2] Shou saw Hang's look and couldn't even blame him he hadn't taken time to sufficiently prepare he didn't have a big enough base of operation nor did he have any scouting magic he had spent the majority of his time researching offensive magic he had focused on the fighting aspect of war instead of focusing on the defensive aspect. If he had asked he knew the Iwata clan would have provided him with a safe house but he didn't want to rely on them. All that led to their current situation wandering around in the forest and sighing when Hang talked about their base of operation but then Hang asked him about his skills the one thing he was confident in "[color=00a651]Well I have a phone[/color]" Shou said pulling it out before putting it back in his pocket "[color=00a651]As long as it's charged we can ask it anything[/color]" Shou had made sure that the wifi was mobile losing internet would be a huge detriment to their war effort. "[color=00a651]I have some cash and some clothes left over from where I summoned you[/color]" Shou realized that Berserker probably wasn't talking about utility but it would be nice to at least inform him of such "If we're talking about combat skills I can use wind,fire, and healing magic along with reinforcement magic." Shou showed Hang his katana and black blade before swinging his katana a little and generating lighting. "[color=00a651]Then there's the grasscutter sword which generates lighting and a black blade that doesn't have much use[/color]" Shou still didn't know why he chose the black blade he just felt it was calling out to him, Shou had talked so much that they were in front of a temple before he knew it "[color=00a651]Kiyomizu-dera temple...[/color]" "[color=00a651]There was a temple nearby but I didn't think to note it[/color]" Shou pondered for a moment before talking "[color=00a651]If there's no one using it which is unlikely we could use it as a base of operations but if there are people we could at least procure some supplies[/color]" and just like that Shou was going to meet a rouge servant