When Cascade looked upon the crates with her Divine Sense, she saw that the clothing - made from blue-gray leather and white fur - carried no fiendishness. Quite the opposite in fact. Every item that could be found in the three boxes bore a faint celestial aura. Upon redirecting her attention to Mar'a'gan, Cascade noticed that the imp had a fiendish presence to it that was similar to the one she detected at the highwayman campsite. When asked about this, Mar'a'gan gave Cascade an impressed grin. "Nothing escapes a paladin, it seems." The imp declared. "You have it right. I was indeed spying on you at Nanna May's behest. She sees great potential within your newfound companions. So too does my esteemed master. The latter sees that potential in you as well. And that is why I'm here." Mar'a'gan paused a moment then to extend a hand towards the party, palm facing upwards. "Nanna May sent me to observe your adventures." The imp said before a scroll appeared in its extended hand in a dramatic flash of fire. "And my esteemed master below sent me to offer you gifts and a small deal."