[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OwZNeFr.png[/img][/center] [color=808080] [hr] Over and over again, Sunni Emberani kept reminding himself that he was not going out of his way to bother Elara. That she was a guest at the inn and needed to be served. The man felt like he was bothering her even if his rational side was telling him that he wasn’t. He could not help his eyes which wandered for a few seconds, [color=a93226] — Where is Syraeia? — [/color] There was no sight of the Cyclops around. Did she forget about her role in the inn? Being the innkeeper. Maybe she needed a break. His eyes shut a little too hard before opening and returning to the beauty in front of him. Everyone was beginning to fade out into murmurs since the rushing of his heartbeat echoed in his ears. There was a mixture of emotion in his amber eyes that reminded people of fireflies and candlelights. An instantaneous feeling consumed his body as he felt like he was on a stage before the young lady. That he was the center of her attention and he could feel his ribcage tightening around his lungs with that thought. It felt like it was difficult to breathe. A dry swallow began as he repositioned his arms to fold across his chest. He forced himself to blink under the assumption that he was staring at the woman a little too long. Her words caused his shoulders to slump, not in relaxation, but a similarity to defeat. Sunni didn’t realize it though he was bothering the woman. His face was beginning to twist with emotion though he forced a smile out of it. A smile that looked uncertain and anxious. “[color=a93226]I apologize for bothering you Lady Elara,[/color]” He took a breath as he spoke those words and kept that unsure smile. His internal thoughts were ragging on him for going out of his way to bother her. Amber eyes fell to the floorboards for a few seconds as his grip tightened on himself in an attempt to feel smaller than he was. [color=a93226][i]Other duties?[/i][/color] That thought rang in his head as he took a gradual look around the inn. He didn’t have any more obligations here at the inn, he didn’t believe he did, but he needed to get back to working on that roof. Sadly, his helpers were a pint or so into their enjoyment and young. They would be useless to him and the worksite. He nodded his head, “[color=a93226]Yes, I should,[/color]” He agreed with a slight disappointment lingering in his tone. That was when a bit of confidence took over him and he looked at Elara, looking into her ocean-blue eyes, and thinking for a split second. Not allowing any time for him to backtrack or bring up enough doubt to stop the words from leaving his mouth until he heard a familiar voice. His eyes blinked over to the smaller woman and he smiled at Syraeia who appeared beside him, “[color=a93226]Hello Syraeia…[/color]'' There went all his plans to retrieve the item from his room that he wanted to get Elara. All that confidence ran out of his system as his nervousness began to shake and the feeling of being overwhelmed took hold of him. His eyes glanced back at Elara before he began to disappear into the background of the inn. When Syraeia brought up that Sunni should take a break, his face neutralized, and he shook his head in disagreement. “[color=a93226]No, I just woke up from a nap,[/color]” His voice protested with a seriousness. He couldn’t take a break. The man got off of one not that long ago. “[color=a93226]Well, since you are back,[/color]” A smile formed on his face as he clasped his hands. Syraeia was able to take over all the obligations for the inn once again. Taking a step backward, he was putting distance between himself and the two women. “[color=a93226]It was a pleasure to meet you, Elara, and I appreciate the offer, Syraeia, though I really have to get back to work,[/color]” The man honestly felt so defeated inside at the moment but he didn’t let that show. Giving the two women a semi-forced and semi-genuine smile. Sunni left them to their doings and made his way back to the counter to correct everything that he had done. Catching up on orders and so on. That took less than a moment and he had disappeared from sight. Going up to his room, he opened the door slowly and made sure he didn’t disrupt anything from falling off the walls or falling over. Carefully, he shut his door and rubbed his face before his hands combed through his hair. He needed to come up here to grab the roof plans for the building and he sat at his desk. Sunni looked at a drawer before opening it and bringing out a small container that was made of redwood with golden decorations. The area for a lock was unlocked. Nothing to protect it from being opened and he caressed his finger over the little box. “[color=a93226]She wouldn’t even like this anyways..[/color]” he whispered to himself. A moonstone. They were also known as moonlites. Aurelians had no use for them and in particular, Lunarians might not either, but they were known to be rare in generality. Something that most Lunarians cherished because it was to reference their beliefs and faith in the moon and the goddess above. He had read about them in an Aurelian geology book. How people would pass them down generationally because of their rarity and what they could mean as a gift. He had no other individual in mind to give such a thing to except Elara. She might not even like it or possibly think it was a stupid little thing. Grabbing the little wooden container that was dark velvet inside, he opened it up and smiled widely to see it was glowing. He did what he remembered from the book. You set it on your window sill for a few days before placing it in a dark area so it fully absorbs the moon's light and the power of that transition can last anywhere from a week to three months. The longer it is moon bathing the longer it lasts and so on. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1b/18/20/1b1820fe8bf0b6dbe112f214dd65d95f.jpg]Moonstones,[/url] when they are not charged are a beautiful iridescent stone. Sunni had got this one to charge with ease so it was similar to how the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/23/db/56/23db56608b99fabf63b231b125a01ecb.jpg]galaxies[/url] looked above. Upon opening that little chest with the stone that fits nicely into his palm. Colors began to dance around his room and he smiled wildly. It was nothing like he had ever seen and he loved the properties of the rock yet he felt like Elara would cherish it more than he could ever do. He enjoyed collecting rocks but there were no cultural or emotional ties to the natural object. Not like he thinks it would be for a Lunarian. Closing that little container, “[color=a93226]She would only think I am a weirdo for giving her a rock…[/color]” he put it back into his desk drawer and opened another drawer. Grabbing the sketched blueprints for the roof, Sunni stood up and grabbed his coat. Making sure his coat was on, the blueprints were carefully placed in his pocket, and he was heading back downstairs. Not to Elara or Sya. Not to anyone in particular. Sunni made his way out the back and quickly moved past everyone. Making his way to the building site and bringing out the blueprints. The man placed it on a flatter area while putting things on the corners to hold it down and keep it from blowing away. The Aurelian began to get back to work on the house that he was building. Building the roof alone and paces away from the inn where he would be bothered by others. [hr] [b]Interactions[/b] [@Qia] Elara [@PrinceAlexus] Syraeia [/color]