[color=ffb200][center][h2]Kanako Seiki[/h2][/center][/color] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: Le'Nombril Restau,[/sub][hr] The first thing Kanako had done when they'd arrived at LeNombril Restau was to find who, out of all the patrons, was most likely to be there on a mission for someone, whether that be a Hero agency or the League of Villains. Her list was surprisingly long, and surprisingly accurate. Once they were at their table she looked over the menu briefly. She looked over at Yusuke when he spoke. No way in hell was she going to tell anyone what was on her mind tonight. For one, she wasn't really sure what was on her mind herself, for two, if she tried to explain it people would think she was insane. Besides, she didn't really want to use her quirk to talk to anyone right now. She'd been actively avoiding using her quirk on Yusuke specifically, because she knew he'd use the opportunity to figure out how her quirk worked and copy it. Which she was trying to avoid because her quirk could be just as harmful to the user as to the target if the person controlling it didn't know how to use it. She'd figured that out when she'd gotten the mind link stuck being active on fifteen people at once and had woken up from the coma the mental strain had caused a week later. She didn't eat much at all. Her appetite had been dashed by what had happened with Rin, and the paranoia spike. But she could tell that Yusuke was going out of his way to make this a nice evening, and she was grateful for that, she was, but she was so distracted by other things that it was hard to show. [color=ffb200][i]Just forget about all that right now. This is going to be a nice night with absolutely nothing to worry about,[/i][/color] she thought. She tried to put on a smile and be happy, she mostly succeeded, but there was still a nagging feeling of doubt that she couldn't get rid of. She didn't want to just ignore Yusuke completely. So she took out a small notepad. [i]Thinking about my sisters,[/i] she wrote, it wasn't untrue, she'd been thinking about them a lot more than usual, she just neglected to mention how much she knew about their more recent legally dubious actions. She tapped the eraser of the pencil against the notepad for a second then also wrote: [i]By the way, do you know sign language? I realize that I've never asked you.[/i] She always found it better to write things out on paper rather than texting because paper couldn't be hacked, besides, it was funny in restaurants because sometimes people mistook her for a critic of some kind. She tore out the note and handed it to Yusuke. [@Urizen] [@rexgn]