[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [@RoadkilBanana] [color=fff79a][i]*All that is remembered is you nearly falling into a field of magma and then suddenly... bzzzt... you are now standing in a seemingly barren wasteland among some advanced domes all with the mark of the terran dominion but something is off... everything is monochrome yellow, and a strange white glittering dust seems to fill the air and as you look at your hands, also monochrome yellow...*[/i][/color] [img]https://images.nightcafe.studio/jobs/cyn1l6RaeJa3h36BrDuE/cyn1l6RaeJa3h36BrDuE--1--qh4mg.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max[/img] [/quote] ∆: Man... what happened... [color=662d91]*I notice a hole in my arm from earlier and remember a bit of what went on before*[/color] ((by the way, I'll be using purple for Delta, and red for Axl))