[quote=@Shadrack Nor] [color=0072bc][b]Klisp'Anarion:[/b][/color] Klyklllrlrlrrllplpplp, prlrplprlrlprlrprlllpr... [color=7bcdc8][i]*To be quite honest, i only know of your ability enough from what you said, and it makes sense, so technically speaking yes? okay, you go ahead and try, right there on the top shelf is the nature of basal elements and how to mix them by Ugrix'Anverion, an arch alchemist of my people, the language should be auto-translated to yours due to... heaven mechanics... *[/i][/color] [color=0072bc][b]Klisp'Anarion:[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*Turns to my clones with narrow eyes*[/i][/color] Pplplplplplrplrprlpl... ololololrorlorlrplplp... [color=7bcdc8][i]*Yyyyyooou... you need to learn WHAT magic is first... get yourselves some copies of the elements of arcana and the foundations of spirit, right there...*[/i][/color] [/quote] *Takes the books and quickly splits into a thousand, all opening and reading different chapters at once* We need more space.