[b][i]Kazuki Yamagata[/i][/b] Kazuki moved to take Hikari's hand as he looked around at his ex-allies, whom he now regarded as enemies in his heart. His next words were a quick question for Harpy, aka Rin. "So, what do we know about the Nomu and its location? And what preparations need to be made? Every minute we spend inside this place is a moment that [i]thing[/i] can use to kill people." And also a distraction from Kazuki's plans of betraying the Blackhawks for Mia and Ravens' sakes. Only Hikari can be relied on for what will come next; everyone else here, [i]including other sutdents[/i], were foes or potential foes or useful pawns for foes. Speaking of which... Mind-reading powers were not exactly uncommon, so Kazuki filled his mind with background noise, the background noise of Western Cartoon Music. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tCPxXW_9qI&pp=ygUSYSB0cnVlIHRydWUgZnJpZW5k[/youtube] The purpose of this was to annoy any mind reader so that they'd avoid reading his thoughts. Either way, if the Hawks Agency folk insisted on a hologram call to confer first, Kazuki would look for a moment where the others were distracted so he could finally send a message to Ravens (albeit via indiscreet semi-public official channels) about the plan to kill her and potentially kill Mia. He needed to find a way to inform them. He needed to break the Blackhawks period; they had long since passed the point where they served the public's greater good and needed to be replaced. But dangit all, this waiting was getting exasperating! Kazuki sought calm by looking at Hikari, his now-girlfriend, and hoped she could see, from his expression, that he was anxious, nervous, and waiting for something - That he needed a moment of relative calm and peace so that he could send his recording to Professor Ravens... [@rexgn][@Dragon Arts][@Urizen]