[quote=@Memory] *Takes the books and quickly splits into a thousand, all opening and reading different chapters at once* We need more space. [/quote] [color=0076a3][i]*Squeezed in place by a comical situation Klisp'Anarion barely giggles his tentacles:*[/i][/color] Ptl...prlrll... ppuuuuurrlrl... [color=7bcdc8][i]*You... don't... saaaaay...*[/i][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*Blinks desperately*[/i][/color] Prlrprlprlllprpl!! [color=7bcdc8][i]*Platforms and auxiliary dimensional halls, open!*[/i][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*As he says that several platforms begin hovering taking large groups of your clones and segmenting them evenly through the heights of the room, and in between bookshelves, large halls with seats all around manifest that seem to be in paradoxical spaces* [/i][/color] [color=0072bc][b]Klisp'Anarion:[/b][/color] prlrplrlprlrlrlp!! poooorororororolrllrrlr! [color=7bcdc8][i]*These spaces are potentially endless here, though i do have to spend plenty of time writing them in the spirit codex of the Akashic Library, i do hold classes across the multiverse and ocasionaly, lets just say that more than a million people show up!... also... THINK OF BENJAMIN!*[/i][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*He smacks you on one of your clone's head without you really feeling it due to the no violence in heaven mechanic*[/i][/color] Prlrplrprlrl! [color=7bcdc8][i]*He needs space to do the same thing here!*[/i][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*As you open the book on potions you are immediately stricken by its complexity...*[/i][/color] [img]https://images.nightcafe.studio/jobs/PgNaQEL7sTZZ0NnLL01m/PgNaQEL7sTZZ0NnLL01m--1--apg68.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max[/img] [color=0076a3][i]*The words seamlessly begin translating in your mind and the symbols become clearer*[/i][/color] [color=fdc68a][i]*On Potions and How to Properly Mix Them -- Written with passion by Ugrix'Anverion and peer reviewed by the council of Giolholm-77... ...In the heart of the verdant glade, where the three suns kiss the dew-kissed leaves, seek the crimson bloom of the bloodroot. Pluck it gently, with reverence for its life-giving essence. Under the orange glow of the gas giant's light, harvest the roots of the Kliovial streak, a whisper of dreams clinging to its minty fragrance...*[/i][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*Your vision begins to be filled with the image of a figure, robed in twilight hues, the tentacles gently dancing below their head, their fluffy paws tracing intricate patterns in the air which turn to iridescent sigils that promptly hover into the mix below. A cauldron of brass simmering over a crackling fire, its contents a swirling concoction of vibrant colors...*[/i][/color] [color=fdc68a][i]*...Combine these sacred herbs in equal measure, their energies intertwined like lovers' embrace. As you stir, visualize the desired effect, your intentions a beacon guiding the transformation. With each clockwise turn, infuse the potion with the warmth of your three-hearts, with each counter-clockwise turn, the coolness of your mind... When the planet reaches its zenith, and the stars align in celestial harmony, utter the incantation thrice. Let your voice resonate with the ancient power that slumbers within the earth and the ether. And as the potion simmers, ready to bestow its blessings, pour it gently in its appropriate container...*[/i][/color] [color=0076a3][i]*You continue reading instructions on alchemy as knowledge pierces your minds and enlightens you on both familiar alchemy and alien from worlds untold*[/i][/color]