Flicker's face became grimmer with each new sentence out of the imp's mouth, and a strong desire to send the creature back from the hellhole it had crawled out of began to fill the genasi. However, they knew enough about fiends to know that fire was likely to do jackshit, and they didn't really fancy the idea of getting close enough to this creature to punch it, not with that stinger tail and whatever other nasty tricks it might have up its sleeve. They clenched their fist. [color=f7941d]"Going to be entirely honest here,"[/color] they said. They look around at their party members. [color=f7941d]"And stop me if I'm presuming anything, but, err, I don't think we'd [i]want[/i] anything that a fiend could offer. Regardless of deals and trading souls, I'm pretty sure taking anything from you is just... inviting something bad in our general direction."[/color] They realised they probably sounding a bit overly superstitious right now, but given everything they had been through recently - and the way that one shopkeeper had reacted when they'd tried to sell the things they'd taken from Nanna May during their first encounter - they felt they had the right to be.