[color=f7941d]"Regardless of deals and trading souls, I'm pretty sure taking anything from you is just... inviting something bad in our general direction."[/color] Mar'a'gan heaved a sigh at Flickers words. "Alas, the bane of all merchant devils. Anti-fiend propaganda from the Upper Planes." The imp lamented. "Those angels have everyone thinking that our goods are bad. But I can assure you these gifts are good. As are all of my stock. No vendor worth their salt would knowingly sell things that hurt the customer. That's just bad business sense! I'd get no regulars with practices like that. And when all the first time buyers dry up and word of mouth wipes out what traces of good will I could still get despite all the celestial slander, that would be it for my mercantile ventures!" Mar'a'gan shook his head then. "No no. Honest dealings. Good goods. [i]That[/i] is the way to go." "[color=00a99d]There's another thing I would like to ask,[/color]" Cascade spoke up then. "[color=00a99d]Those 'gifts' you brought for us. I'm picking up faint Celestial energies from them,[/color]" She then narrowed her gaze and she asked, "[color=00a99d]Now, why is that?[/color]" "That would most likely be due to their Celestial source." Mar'a'gan supplied helpfully. "Within these crates, you'll find the finest felidar fleeces farmed from the far off world of Ravnica. The warmth that they provide will be of great use to your Ohana in the trials ahead."