[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] The forest was as empty as Shou had predicated, at least as far as their cursory investigation could tell. Hang stayed close to his Masters side as they travelled, remaining visible and tangible so as to provide a target for anyone they stumbled across and to better protect Shou should another Servant appear. From the sounds of it, they did not have much in the way of resources with; a phone, which his knowledge of the modern era gave him some understanding off but his own lack of experience meant he was missing some context, some money and clothing but little else. Had his Master really entered into this war so ill prepared? Was it confidence, naivety or desperation? He mentioned a brother he wanted to save, so perhaps the latter. In terms of skills at least he seemed better equipped. Berserker still didn’t have much confidence in the martial ability of modern mages, but Shou’s skillset at least seemed suited towards combat. Even so… [color=007236]“Wherever possible, leave the fighting to me. It’s a Servant’s duty to fight for their Master and the longer we can keep your abilities hidden the better. Act only in self-defence if you can or in secret if you can get away with it.”[/color] They arrived in front of a temple. [color=007236]“If someone were here, I suspect they would have made themselves known by now. Let’s take a look for ourselves.”[/color] [@Iamme][@Randomguy]