[quote=@Source] I’ve got everything I need. Don’t worry, we’ll save your girlfriend! [/quote] *laughs* sure, let's go with that title. *as we turn the corner entering a large space seemingly kitted for training purposes we see a horde of amaranthine beasts attack a large mech that almost seems to be holding it's own, if not for the sheer overwhelming force of the monsters.* [img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/armoredcore/images/2/29/Screenshot_ACVI_Frame_set_NACHTREIHER.png/revision/latest?cb=20230923074823[/img] Falcon: Bout damn time y'all showed up! [img]https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/powerful-anime-fighter-with-dark-skin-punk-white-hair-ready-battle-generative-ai_318002-4343.jpg[/img]